Friday, April 10, 2020

Sami Brady On A Hot Griddle

If Kayla wants a man with self-confidence she probably should look at someone other than Justin. #DAYS

Scenes we'd like to see. Kayla turns to Sarah and says, "It was easier to remove Steve's brain and leave the chip inside his head."

Jack: "How is Steve doing?" Kayla: "He's still unconscious." Jack: "What does that mean?" Just a wild guess but I think it means he's still unconscious." #DAYS

If Sarah is this distraught over Maggie not coming to her wedding, she's going to freak out like Sami Brady on a hot griddle when she finds out about the baby. #DAYS

Poor MacKenzie… all dressed up and nowhere to go. #DAYS

John: "God willing, Steve will wake up and be fine." God: "I'm not willing." #DAYS


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