Tuesday, March 03, 2020


Protip for Haddie: "I'm proud of you" and a kiss on the cheek isn't undying love. #DAYS

The governor is a dick. #DAYS

The spirits of serial killer Ben's victims, including Serena and Paige, gather at the execution. They're not so enthusiastic about delaying it. #DAYS

Oh, good. A whole show of Ben's death throes. #DAYS

Maybe Dr. Rolf's anti-lethal-injection serum will save the day. #DAYS

If Ben's death was any more protracted they might have time to elect a new governor who could pardon him. #DAYS

Scenes we'd like to see: They mixed up the injection Gabi is about to get with Ben's death potion. #DAYS

I get it. They're waiting for May sweeps for someone to rush in and save Ben. #DAYS


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