Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sharp As A Rubber Butter Knife

Rafe to Jordan: "Any idea how cyanide got into my cupcake?" Since Jordan made the cupcakes, Rafe once again has trouble putting two and two together. #DAYS

Rafe is suffering from cyanide poisioning. JJ: "Something's bothering you. I can tell." Sharp as a rubber butter knife, that JJ. #DAYS

Just what makes Marlena think she has to search Hope/Gina's purse? Oh, that's right, she's Marlena. #DAYS

Ben's technique, pounding on an unconscious person's back and yelling "wake up" worked because he learned it from the standard protocol at Salem Hospital. #DAYS

Sarah: "Xander is my good friend." Eric: "Since when?" Since the night they spent together and got very, very friendly. #DAYS

Xander's costume is of a neanderthal who shaves his upper chest and shoulders. #DAYS


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