Friday, October 25, 2019

Cupcake Alert

Yesterdat's show started with practically everyone in a prone position. Eli and Lani, Jennifer, Ben and, of course Stefan. #DAYS

Jordan finds out David didn't eat the poison cupcake, "Thank God! Thank God!" Honey, I'm pretty sure God isn't part of your murderous plot. #DAYS

This is truly the weirdest funeral I've ever seen. #DAYS

BULLETIN: The FDA has issued a cupcake alert until we can figure out who ate which cupcake. #DAYS

OK, so Lani needs to play nice with Gabi, Tell Kayla what's going on and Kayla gets Julie back into surgery to replace the pacemaker with a non-Dimera tainted one. #DAYS

Gabi: "You saw JJ and I together so you pranced over to Eli and got pregnant." Lani: "No… it wasn't like that." Actually, it was exactly like that. #DAYS


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