Friday, June 19, 2009


The director brings Chloe a crock and tells her it's for pre-show publicity shots. Lucas tells her she will be great. Maggie bounces up to them. She's so excited to be shooting Hearth and Home in her own kitchen, "Daniel should be here soon."


So much for Chloe's crock. Now the only crock anywhere near is the show itself.

Daniel is on the phone and tells Kate. She wants to meet with him, but not at Maggie's place.

Chris bustles in with a load of stuff for Kate. After Chris leaves, Kate puts on industrial rubber gloves and douses the plate of food with the contents of the vile vial.

Mia works the counter at the Java Café and looks up to find...


Chad puts his hand on her arm, "I miss you."

Mia looks that up in the Gal Manual: "I miss you – The tramp I hooked up with after I dumped you left me and I'm horny."

"Please don't touch me," says Mia, "You've done enough of that already."

EJ serves Sami with a court order to take Johnny from her. Sami bawls, "You can't do this."

"I'm not doing it," says cold-hearted EJ, "Your lies about Grace did this."

Father Matt announces the nuns have arrived late because they had a flat tire on the way to the funeral. Sister Agnes pops in as Nicole sweats. Father Matt starts to introduce Nicole, but sister Agnes says, "Oh no, we don't need an introduction. I know who you are."

"You must have me confused with someone else," says Nicole. So Matt makes the intros. Nicole asks if sister Agnes came alone.

"No," says Sister Agnes, "I didn't."

Will walks into the ugly scene in the sanctuary and asks EJ, "Are you taking my brother away?" Sami begs EJ not to do it.

Lucas asks, "It's Daniel, isn't it?"

"What do you mean," asks Chloe.

"When I mentioned Daniel's name," says Lucas, "is when that crock met it's maker."

"I was just a little stunned he changed his mind," says Chloe, "Do you know why."

"No," says Lucas, "Actually I think my mom threw a bunch of money his way."

The director comes up to Lucas and spares us the rest of that gripping conversation by saying he needs to talk to him. Maggie walks up and tells Chloe she encouraged Daniel to do the show. Chloe does a double-take, "Maggie, why are you making this harder for me?"

"Don't thank me," says Maggie, "That's just the kind of thing I like to do for people."

Meanwhile, back in Kate's lab of death...

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble...

Daniel walks in and sees Kate at work, "What are the heavy rubber gloves for?"

"Protection," says Kate, "It's a concept you were never in love with, remember?"

Chad wants to know why Mia is angry. She goes off to talk to the manager. Chad grabs her, "Come on Goldilocks don't do this."

Mia flashes back to the back seat of Chad's jalopy. Chad begs, "Don't make me stop."

Back to the poor excuse for reality that is DOOL. "Get out of here," says Mia, "Just go."

Will asks EJ if he can visit Johnny. EJ gives permission. Will thanks him and leaves. Sami calls for him him to come back. Will thrusts the dagger into Sami's heart and twists it around for good measure, "You and Rafe lied. I don't blame EJ. In fact he has every right."

It looks like Sami lost two kids today. Stunned Sami staggers over to a pew and sits.

Sister Agnes says Sister Teresa didn't come, "She has been reassigned to another convent and is no longer in Salem." Translation: When will these actors learn to tone down their salary demands?

"Drat the bad luck," says Nicole. She sees Will storming out and asks what's wrong.

Rafe sits by Sami and vows to fight. Sami looks up and gives EJ both barrels. EJ has a couple of barrels to give himself and the Scream-a-thon goes into high gear. Nicole runs in and asks what all the shouting is about.

Sami stands and turns her wrath on Nicole, "You know very well what this is about and you know this is your fault!"

EJ gets really nasty, "Samantha, you have exactly one hour to bring Johnny to me."

Sami retaliates, "I will see you both in hell for this."


Maggie wonders why Chloe is so threatened, "You are not over him are you? Chloe, you have to move on."

The atom in Chloe's brain flips polarity, "You're right. Maybe this is the best way to move on. I'll do that and make Lucas happy till death do us part."

Kate gives Daniel the letter making the charity deal official. Daniel wants to know why they are there and not at Maggie's. Kate says, "I wanted to have a moment of quiet before the mayhem at Maggie's. She says she has put the whole situation with him and Chloe behind her and suggests a toast, "To friends, new beginnings and Hearth and Home."

Daniel chugs his drink points to the horrors o'dourves and asks, "I haven't had lunch. Do you mind if I have one of those?"

Gulp. Kate rushes over and throws a block that would make any NFL team's highlight reel, "The food stylist will kill us if we touch this plate. These are the treats you will offer Chloe on the show." She asks him to take the horrors o'dourves over and she will meet them later. Daniel picks up the poisoned plate and leaves. Kate puts her rubber gloves back on and removes the vile vial from her purse.

Will stops by the Salem park bench and broods. He dials his phone.

Mia snaps, "Don't call me Goldilocks again!"

Chad says he still thinks of her. He apologizes for not being in contact with her, "You remember the fun we had don't you?"

Mia remembers steamy windows in the back seat of Chad's car.

YOU! In the audience... yeah, YOU! You can remember some steamy windows yourself, so stop judging.

Things really heat up in Chad's lovemobile.

Paradise By The Dashboard Light plays in the background...

Mia stops him, "Do you love me Chad?"

At the moment, Chad is soooooo in love, "I'll love you for all the Days Of Our Lives."

Mia snaps out of it, "I remember."

Father Matt comes in and asks what the shouting is about. Sami storms out and father Matt asks to talk to EJ. He tells him they have to remember that God asks us to forgive, "Don't do anything you will regret."

"Why don't you tell that to Samantha," says EJ, "She is the one who played God and will regret it."

Nicole approaches Sami. Sami tells her to go away but Nicole says the decision about Johnny was EJ's. Sami blows her stack and tells Nicole she looks guilty as sin, "What have you done, Nicole?"

Nicole tells Sami to back off and claims she has done nothing. She also says what Sami did was unconscionable, "EJ has been focused on you and Sydney but now he'll always focus on me and Grace."

Will is on the phone with Lucas, "Listen, we need to talk. Now... right now... this can't wait."

Lucas says, "Well, brainchild, you're on the phone with me, so talk." No, Will can't talk on the phone. He has to talk at the pier. Lucas agrees and tells Chloe he has to leave. He turns to Chris, "You'll have to take over for me."

Chris is so excited both of his wrists go limp.
"Me? You mean as associate producer?"

Just be yourself," says Lucas. Lucas leaves safe in the knowledge he finally found a guy Chloe won't be in bed with in fifteen minutes. Chloe runs after Lucas, flings the door open and runs right into Daniel's arms.

Kate works with her Junior G-Man Kit and captures one of Daniel's fingerprints.

Nicole sits behind EJ in a pew. He tells her he and Father Matt agreed to disagree. Nicole wonders if they should take Grace's picture with them, since they don't have one. She breaks down, "This shouldn't have happened. It is so wrong."

"Someone should have told that to the writers long ago," says EJ.

Chloe and Daniel share an uncomfortable moment. She tells him she will be fine with this arrangement. He says he thinks Kate is finally coming around.

Back in her Junior G-Man lab, Kate transfers Daniel's fingerprint on the vile vial. She holds it up and surveys her work, "Yes, very identifiable."

Apparently Kate had to get Daniel's fingerprint off of a glass since by now all his fingerprints have worn off her.

The Java Café manager breaks up Mia and Chad's little party. He tells Mia, "I have someone to cover your shift, so you can start tomorrow."

In other words, after two full shifts, she still hasn't officially started the job. Gotta get me a job in Salem.

That thrills Chad to no end, "Now we have time to catch up."

Mia vetoes that, "We're over, Chad. I don't want to see you ever again." Mia walks off.

Lucas and Will meet at the pier. Will rants that Lucas knew Grace was Sami and EJ's baby and accuses Lucas of lying.

Sami and Rafe are back at her place which is really her mommy's place. Sami comes out in tears, "I just talked to Mickey and he says I have no choice. I have to take Johnny to EJ."

Another loss for Mickey.

Legal System: 5,219
Mickey: 0

Nicole tells EJ this is her fault because Sami hates her and that's why Sami didn't tell EJ about Grace. He tells her to put all this aside. She thinks she shouldn't go with him to get Johnny. EJ reluctantly agrees and leaves. Nicole prays and blubbers. She asks Grace's forgiveness and then walks out in tears.

Sami tells Rafe she has to take Johnny to EJ's by herself. Rafe says he doesn't have a problem with that and vows to fight and win. Rafe leaves. Sami packs up Johnny's things.

Will tells Lucas that EJ is taking Johnny. Lucas immediately runs to be with Sami. Lumi's in the audience swoon.

Mia finds Will.

Chris is in his element. He directs, barks orders and instructs Chloe and Daniel on the intricacies of making a second rate talk show work,
"It's all about being loose... and banter. Dead air is an invitation to change the channel."

Daniel corrects him, "DOOL is an invitation to change the channel."

Kate rushes in and Chris reluctantly yields the command post back to her.

Kate is ready for the hors o'dourve scene. She tells Chloe and Daniel, "These little appetizers are tasty... to die for tasty."

EJ talks to Sydney and tells her Johnny is coming to live with them.

Nicole kneels beside Grace's grave, "It was only a few months ago when I helped you make your entrance into this world. You were so perfect. And then I gave you away so I could have Sydney. And now I think maybe switching you and Sydney... maybe I caused all this. Or maybe it was just your time. The worst part about it... you leaving this world made my life better because EJ will never forgive Sami for lying. Oh, God, please forgive me." She breaks down.

Lucas arrives at Sami's place. He says Will told him about Johnny. He tells her to fight it and offers to help her overturn it, "You can always count on me."

"That's little consolation," says Sami, "Since you can't count past ten. But it means so much to me. Thank you." Lucas leaves and Johnny runs up and tells Sami he wants to play.

"We're going to play a game we play a lot," says Sami, "dump Johnny."

Will asks if Mia is in some kind of trouble, "Did something happen."

"Nothing worth talking about," says Mia.

Chad talks to the Java Café manager, who gives him a job.

Back in Maggie's kitchen we get to the food scene.

Daniel and Chloe are a little nervous about the taping, but Daniel tries to reassure her, "Come on, this is a no-brainer, right?"

"With me," says Chloe, "everything's a no-brainer."


Daniel hands Chloe the horrors o'dourve.

Sami delivers Johnny. EJ scoops him up and turns to Sami, "Do me a favor. Shut the door on your way out."

Nicole continues to kneel and pray at Grace's grave, "I would do anything to bring you back... Anything." Rafe watches.

NOTE – you can now follow Prevuze on twitter at:

Prevuze II has a video of the daily show previews, which should be available by noon (EST) on any given day. To see Prevuze II: CLICK HERE


Anonymous Berg said...

My what the heck moment was Lucas rushing to see Sami and defend her actions. Wasn't he against her lying from Day One about this? Didn't he warn her about what she had done to Will?

I find it hysterical the writers wrote Will siding with EJ. Love it!!!!

This episode seems to have a little drama to it. Maybe it's because its Friday, I had two cups of coffee, and I am feeling good...but this show does not look too bad. I may have to watch it. Prevuze is like my personal shopper. I can pick and chose what I want to watch and what I can skip and do something constructive or go grab a chair and watch some paint dry to be more entertained.

P.S. Prevuze where can I buy one of those great Gal Manuals?

Happy Friday everyone and remember it's only a show and not reality.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So Chad! can just get a job like that? And doesn't he live far enough away to where he has to attend to a different high school than the local one?? He's going to commute across town to be work with Mia for 3 or 4 hours?

And if that's the case, why do all of Mia's old frenemies, keep commuting across the town to bully her? Geez, talk about needing to get a life.

Will stops by the Salem park bench and broods.
Can't the writers have him do anything else but brood. Grumpy Gus.

He says he thinks Kate is finally coming around.
How little he knows of Kate.

EJ talks to Sydney and tells her Johnny is coming to live with them.
Um, what? I thought Johnny already lived at the DiMera estate? Or was that temporary while Sami was in witless protection?

Did Kate ever think that even if Lucas did find out about Chloe and Dan he may not want to kill them??

Maggie wonders why Chloe is so threatened, "You are not over him are you? Chloe, you have to move on."
And oh dear Lord, does this woman ever mind her own business!?

I find it hysterical the writers wrote Will siding with EJ. Love it!!!!
I found that hilarious as well. If Lucas agreed with EJ, that would have been icing on the cake. Ha!

6:31 AM  
Blogger cfish said...

Klaus said:
So Chad! can just get a job like that? And doesn't he live far enough away to where he has to attend to a different high school than the local one?? He's going to commute across town to be work with Mia for 3 or 4 hours?

And if that's the case, why do all of Mia's old frenemies, keep commuting across the town to bully her? Geez, talk about needing to get a life.

Klaus, just by way of explanation (and by no means am I trying to defend the convoluted "logic" of DOOL!), my school district had two high schools that were less than a mile apart, and the boundaries for who went to which were so "politically driven" that some kids from one neighborhood went to one school, and other kids from the same neighborhood went to the other. It was really messed up (just like Salem!!!). But it made for a great rivalry during sports seasons!

6:47 AM  
Blogger cfish said...

Oops, forgot to mention -- one high school was "...High School", and the other was "...East High School", so having "Salem High" and "Salem West High" in near proximity to each other isn't weird for me.

Oh, gosh, I hope one of my old classmates isn't a writer on DOOL!!!

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can always spot Ejami fans in the room. They don't give a crap about character consistancy.

There's no way Will would be all calm and fine with EJ taking Johnny. But who cares as long as someone's loving EJ that it doesn't make sense.

Poor Kate. I love Kate. She should not be in this storyline. It just makes her look stupid.

Lucas, why visit now? What was the point?they don't have him in the funeral. But now Sami needs him?

Everytime they are in a scene together they talk about how they are in it together. Then we don't see them again for a month. What's the point in having them talk in we's and not acting on it.

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

So much for Chloe's crock. Now the only crock anywhere near is the show itself.

…and so are the Days of our Lives.

"You must have me confused with someone else," says Nicole.

Perhaps Sister Agnes has her confused with someone who has a conscience.

"You and Rafe lied. I don't blame EJ. In fact he has every right."

It looks like Sami lost two kids today.

When it comes to mustering the troops, Sami is in pretty sad shape. If the colonists were equally as loyal to George Washington, we would also be examining Gordon Brown’s expense accounts. Geez!

Sami retaliates, "I will see you both in hell for this."

I’ve got to agree with you Prevuze. That has got to mean that Sami expects to end up in hell too.

Sami blows her stack and tells Nicole she looks guilty as sin, "What have you done, Nicole?"

Nicole confesses to Sami? We couldn’t be that lucky. Anyway, if EJ found out now, his head would explode and the hair and makeup people would have wasted a long overdue haircut.

Lucas leaves safe in the knowledge he finally found a guy Chloe won't be in bed with in fifteen minutes.

Maybe Lucas should think about switching teams. He certainly has struck out with all the women in Salem.

"This shouldn't have happened. It is so wrong."

"Someone should have told that to the writers long ago," says EJ.


“I have to take Johnny to EJ."

Another loss for Mickey.

Legal System: 5,219
Mickey: 0

Prevuze you forgot that Mickey got Lucas released from jail. Wait a minute – that one actually does belong in the loss column. Prevuze I am sorry that I doubted you accuracy.

Chad talks to the Java Café manager, who gives him a job.

…and how convenient is that? Good grief!

Thanks for the great Friday update Prevuze!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

7:01 AM  
Blogger Applecheeks said...

Berg - can you grab a chair for me? Paint drying sounds positively thrilling compared to this show.

I mean, really! Poisoned hor d'ourves? This whole s/l hasn't made a bit of sense from day one. Anyone from the cast or crew could have popped one in their mouth. Why would Dr. Dan be offering Chloe an appetizer during a medical segment?

Wouldn't Kate's desperation to get the two of them to do a show together the least bit suspicious? Combine that with the fact that Daniel doesn't have any motive for harming Chloe, but Kate hates them both, any CSI (Crappy Scene Investigation) detective could crack this case in two seconds.

On the other hand, it's the SPD. Unless a couple of rookies were around to do any actual investigative work, Kate could get away with it.

Rant over. Here are a few things I can rave about:
- the usual line-up of great pictures
- the always snark-filled prevuisms (Chris is so excited both of his wrists go limp.
- and Friday has come just in time!

Thanks, Prevuze

7:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks cfish, that makes more sense to me. Where I lived everyone who lived in a certain zone, went to a the same school. Barring special circumstance.

I always hung out in my own school's 'turf.' lol

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucas shows up when Sami's son is being taken but attending her dead daughter's funeral when he was involved in all the lying and covering up her identity was too much trouble for him. What a loser. He's ripped Sami's kids away from her so many times who can even keep track. At least EJ has a reason, a really good reason. If someone hid my baby from me and let another person adopt the baby I would kill them.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

And if that's the case, why do all of Mia's old frenemies, keep commuting across the town to bully her? Geez, talk about needing to get a life.

"frenemies" - Love it. Must remember that one.

Oh, gosh, I hope one of my old classmates isn't a writer on DOOL!!!

It is a virtual certainty one of your classmates would not be a writer on DOOL as long as your school still has its accreditation.

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

I mean, really! Poisoned hor d'ourves? This whole s/l hasn't made a bit of sense from day one. Anyone from the cast or crew could have popped one in their mouth. Why would Dr. Dan be offering Chloe an appetizer during a medical segment?

Applecheeks you are so right. Why doesn't Kate offer Chloe a poisoned apple? It worked for the Queen when she handed it off to Sleeping Beauty.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Bulldog said...

My thoughts exactly - that anyone around there could've eaten one of the appetizers. Heck, in my office they would've lasted about 30 seconds.

I suppose if Daniel had eaten one Kate could still put the idea out there it was a murder-suicide. Hmmm. Not a bad idea. On second thought, go for it Kate. HAHAHA

I also wondered how that fit in with a medical segment but being DOOL you just let it go.

Wouldn't Sami have the right to contest the court papers before HAVING to turn Johnny over in ONE HOUR? It looks like it would have to go thru a court of some kind before anything was settled unless EJ claimed Sami was a danger to the child.

Loved Lucas being able to leave Chloe with Chris and Mickey's legal record. Thanks for getting us to Friday and happy weekend everyone!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Berg said...

Ah my little friend is back. You can always spot Ejami fans in the room. They don't give a crap about character consistancy.

Again, not to rehash old arguments, I am an EJAMI fan (so what) Klaus is a LUMI fan and we get along just nicely. But I digress... You don't have to be an "EJAMI" fan not to give a crap about character inconsistencies. Newsflash - the show has terrible writing and ALL characters suffer from inconsistencies. I wasn't saying I "LOVED" Will on EJ's side, I like my buddy Klaus, was being S-A-R-C-A-S-T-I-C. Look it up - it means I was highlighting the obvious character inconsistency. Sheesh!

Applecheeks - you might want to grab a cushion for your chair, this could get ugly for you, hope you need to catch up on some zzzzzs.

9:37 AM  
Anonymous crpedm said...

Unfortunatly, I think I see where this whole Chad/Mia/Sydney/Nicole/EJ/Sami/Rafe storyline is heading. Chad finds out Sydney is his, he did not sign away parental rights, he sues for custody or kidnaps Sydney--hence Sami and Nicole teaming up this summer--DNA is performed on Sydney and the truth finally comes out in 2011.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You don't have to be an "EJAMI" fan not to give a crap about character inconsistencies.

Berg, I totally agree. Regardless of who I may or may not 'ship, if we actually got upset about inconsistency on DOOL, our heads would explode, if we didn't stop watching. It's like the writers' bread and butter, turning nonsense into comedy gold.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wasn't saying I "LOVED" Will on EJ's side, I like my buddy Klaus, was being S-A-R-C-A-S-T-I-C.
Indeed, I was remembering when Will thought EJ was 'the jerk' and pretty much despised him. Which is why I lol'd when he pulled this 180. I wasn't actually cheering when Will stuck it to Sami, it was just amusing.

So lets all chill out and make fun that every single character gets to hold the idiot ball. Fairly frequently at that.

~I will shoot myself (not really) if this baby drama lasts into 2011.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Berg said...

~I will shoot myself (not really) if this baby drama lasts into 2011. I hope we are not into 2011 on this! Maybe we should whip up a batch of Koolaide for the lot of us just in case...(JUST KIDDING! - for those that can't read tone).

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Leslie said...

Maybe we should whip up a batch of Koolaide for the lot of us just in case...(JUST KIDDING! - for those that can't read tone).

Berg - Please make mine grape!

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Betyar said...

I'm a SAFE/EJAMI fan...yes, it is possible...just like DOOL, my reasoning doesn't always make sense. But, I don't agree with Will doing a 180 and turning on his mother and sidind with EJ on this one. But then again, Will has been in Switzerland much of last year so he's not familiar with EJ's antics. He's got some anger issues I think...and he probably shares his low IQ with his father :)

Someone questioned why Lucas defending Sami and comming to her rescue since he hasn't been around much lately. I know he's had issues with Sami in the past, but he was around for much of the 90's, so I guess that makes Sami and Lucas at least good ole' friends, not to mention co-parents to two(to the best of our limited knowledge) kids.

2011? Ok, I buy that...but still, it's hard to swallow!!!

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Clickity Clack said...

This isn't the first time Will's done a one-eighty. Originally he was proud of his mom for marrying Ej to end the vendetta, then he hated her for it that he demanded his daddy buy him a plane ticket to Switzerland and not say bye to his mom.

But it's only Ej/Ejami fans who don't care about inconsistency.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Berg said...

But it's only Ej/Ejami fans who don't care about inconsistency.

I don't believe that is remotely even close to the truth. You cannot like this show - if you cannot ingore character inconsistencies - Fact.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To hell with consistency...EJ got a haircut! Hurray! :)

I also have to say i missed Evil!EJ- with the plotting and the vengeance...he's lovely to watch, unlike the mess that is the Kate/Chloe/Daniel S/L.

EJ looked GOOD threatening to kill Rafe in the preview...Rafe had better NOT try and be Johnny's dad now that Grace is gone- although...if Rafe WERE to disappear in say...the Salem River (The usual place for ppl to disappear) i wouldn't exactly be SAD. Uh, that sounded a little cold, but its okay it's just my inner Ejami talking.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You rely on words getting your sacasm across. Sarcasm isn't in the words. It's in how you say them. Which means you can't read sarcasm unless it's pointed out. Like the itlics you guys use.

And I stand by my ejami statement. Ive seen several board comments where ejami fans try to explain illogical things Like why is Phillip at this funeral?

I have seen ejamis try to "explain" that Will doesn't really a problem with ej. Then they rewrite history to explain why will would understand what ej is going through.

It's pure crazy. It's not even a great twist. Because a twist is still logical. And it's not a good story if is not logical.

How can you look at something that makes no sense then call it good?

1:24 AM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Just a point of clarification (so as not to get involved and get caught in the crossfire)... The purpose of the italics in Prevuze is to point out what is being said or described did not really happen in the show. We're not trying to tell people when to chuckle or to highlight it as sarcasm. We found out early on if we did not differentiate our verbal meanderings from the actual show material people - intelligent people - got very confused. While we got a really devious kick out of that, we added the italics to eliminate the confusion.

FYI, for years I have threatened to post an episode without italics, like it used to be back in the 'good ole days' when we started the blog. So this past April Fool's Day I decided to do it. I got the whole posting written - no italics. When I read through it to edit it... yuck! It was a mess. So I even added the italics back in that episode.

So we'll continue to insert the italics for clarification (But, don't worry, I'll continue to threaten to take them out just because I haven't given up the quest for that devious kick).

5:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When I mentioned Daniel's name," says Lucas, "is when that crock met it's maker."

I wish this crock of a plot would meet its maker.

"Why don't you tell that to Samantha," says EJ, "She is the one who played God and will regret it."

This is rich coming from EJ. Doesn't his whole Dimera family play God? I guess Sami was stepping onto his turf.

Mia looks that up in the Gal Manual: "I miss you – The tramp I hooked up with after I dumped you left me and I'm horny."

Perhaps Prevuze can publish all the excerpts from the Guy and Gal Manuals for discerning Prevuze fans to enjoy. I know the above excerpt is a truism.

"You are not over him are you? Chloe, you have to move on."

Move on, I'll be there for you and vendetta. Just three of the most overused phrases and words used on DOOL. Last year it was portfolio.Much like what destiny is to Brooke(B&B) and gaslighting is to Victor(Y&R) Forgive the references to other soaps that have gone over the edge.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for being an INTP, but it's Snow White who was poisoned by an apple, not Sleeping Beauty. :)

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Berg said...

Getting schooled by a Lumi fan is like the pot calling the kettle black. Get over it.

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Berg said...

Getting schooled by a Lumi fan is like the pot calling the kettle black. Get over it.

6:31 AM  

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