Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thar She Blows

Caution: The Surgeon General has determined the following episode could be hazardous to the health of LUMI fans.

Lucas tells Carrie the night has been amazing. He doesn't want it to end. She feels the same way. Kiss. She loves her wedding ring. He loves her.

Sami and Austin. They had a great time tonight, too. Austin is proud of how Sami is handling everything with the twisted love quadrangle. She has always dreamed of being with Austin.

Lucas starts to haul Carrie into the bedroom. She throws a body block into the door jam. "Don't you want this, too," he asks.

"I'm not sure we should be doing this," says Austin.

MSNBC reports at the scene of the sewer leak. The reporter says Bo is rescuing a trapped woman. Hope and Patrick watch on TV. "Where is the rescue squad," screams Hope. The reporter says the line is corroded and buckling. Bo heads down.

Hope is frantic as she watches on the boat. Billie prays. Belle, Phillip, Shawn and Mimi arrive on the scene. Billie fills them in – it's Chelsea. "In that case, get Dad out of the sewer and let it blow to kingdom come," says Shawn.

Down in the sewer the brat wails. Her leg is still stuck. Bo works to free her. Why is anybody's guess.

Chaos reigns. Billie worries.

Hope and Patrick watch. Hope assumes Billie was with Bo when he got the call. Grizzly tells Shawn and Phillip how bad the sewer line is. There is danger of a big explosion.

The reporter radios in and asks for the lowdown on Bo Brady.

Billie is on the verge of panic. Mimi and Belle comfort her. She tells them how unselfish Bo is and thinks to herself, "That is why I love him so much."

Hope says, "Bo would risk his life to save anyone."

"That's what draws you to him," says Patrick.

Bo tries to calm the brat down. That's a negatory... she ramps up the screaming.

Shawn leans down the manhole and yells as the earth shakes.

The earth isn't moving in the Roberts apartment, however. Lucas tells Carrie he doesn't want to push, "I would wait forever. If you don't want to do this, I'll... take a cold shower."

Austin still has feelings for Carrie. He and Sami won't be sure until they spend more time together, "Comfort sex isn't a good idea."

"Is that why you started dating me," asks Sami.

"That isn't it," says Austin, "I saw the way you were looking at Lucas on the pier. You aren't over him."

Sami insists, "I've moved on in every way."

"I don't want us to get involved for the wrong reason," says Austin, "If we make love I want it to be because you want me not because you lost Lucas or want to annoy my mother."

Sami says, "Annoying Kate is an added Bonus, but it isn't what motivates me. I don't know if I could survive another failed relationship."

"You are still so insecure," says Austin, "Who wouldn't be after what you have been through? You put up this brave front but it's just an act. You're afraid if you let your guard down you'll get hurt again."

"Even when I turn my life around no one is willing to trust me," says Sami. She remembers all the bad things and then says, "How can I expect you to want to have a future with me."

"That's a good question," says Austin.

"Felling sorry for someone isn't a good reason to date her," says Sami, "Are you sure you want to have a relationship with me?"

"This is excruciating," says Hope.

"Oh," says Patrick, "I see you've flipped over to watch Days Of Our Lives."

The newsman says the sewer may have already collapsed on them. Shawn tells Norton he's going down there. Mimi tries to stop him. Shawn yells down and asks what is going on.

The newsman overhears and reports detective Brady is alive. Phillip talks to Grizzly. "I'm a Marine, and I know I can help." Phillip suggests they could relieve some of the pressure down the line somewhere. Norton thinks that's a good idea, so Phillip heads for the station to twist some dials and divert the gas. Belle wants to know where Phillip is going. Dudley Do-Right brushes her aside and heads for the station.

Bo tries to comfort the brat. He's going back up for some tools. Hope sees him come out. She hugs Patrick.

The newsman gets in Bo's face. Bo brushes him off. The newsman faces the camera and says, "Bo Brady – a man of action, a man of few words and less brains."

Hope yells at the TV, "Because he's saving someone's life!"

Bo tells Billie the brat is stuck, "Her foot is caught. But I'm not going to give up. Where the hell is the damn rescue squad?"

Shawn says, "I'll go."

Belle yells, "NO!" Mimi gives Belle a look.

Carrie says, "You know I want to be with you, Lucas."

"I sense a 'but' coming."

"We've been down this road before," says Carrie, "We've been disappointed with relationships that didn't work out."

"We've both made mistakes in the past," says Lucas, "We've learned from them. We won't have any regrets. I love you so much. I want you now."

"I love you Lucas," says Carrie, "And yes, I want you too." They attack each other.

"I haven't changed my mind," says Austin, "I want to give this relationship a chance, but I don't want to repeat our mistakes."

Sami says, "We keep dwelling on the bad times, but we've had good times too, remember?" Flashback to the good times. "I think we should focus on the good memories and make some new ones too." He carries her into the bedroom.

Hope tries to fix the TV. The picture comes back. The reporter fills them in. Phillip is trying to turn off the valve. There is no sign of the emergency rescue crews. Hope watches Billie and Bo in the background, "They look like they are arguing. I would love to hear what they are saying right now."

Bo can't let Shawn go down there. Billie volunteers to go down. Shawn points out Bo's hands are cut, and he will have trouble working in the sewer. He heads into the pit.

The reporter gives the play by play. "NO," gasps Hope.

Shawn goes down. Hope wonders how Bo could let him do something so dangerous. She can't look, "What is so important down there that Bo would let Shawn risk his life?"

Patrick says, "You said it yourself – Bo would do anything to save someone and Shawn is the same way."

The brat sees Shawn and just about has her own explosion, "Shawn? Where is dad? You hate me!"

Phillip comes in. He has trekked through the sewer from the station. He yells, "The gas is getting worse. This place could blow up!"

The brat freaks. Shawn crawls to the other side to free her. Phillip comforts her. "OW," she screams, "You're twisting my ankle!"

"Sorry," says Shawn, "I thought it was your neck."

Bo yells down. Phillip tells him they are moving as fast as they can. Belle wonders how Phillip got down there. Grizzly has everyone back up.

The newsman reports Phillip is in the sewer, "Time may be running out not only for the victim but her rescuers."

Hope is frantic, "No, not Shawn! How could Bo let Shawn do something like this? How could he?"

Sami and Austin. Lucas and Carrie. Clothes rip. Tongues flutter.

Afterglow. Carrie is glad they didn't wait, "I love you, Lucas."

Lucas says, "I love you. Are you, uh, tired?"

"I thought I was," says Carrie, "But no. Not at all." Back for more.

"See," says Sami, "Lots of good memories."

"Better than any memory," says Austin.

Sami asks, "Are you glad we didn't wait?"


Sami prays, "Please let it work for Austin and me this time. Dear God, please don't take him away from me again."

The newsman reports, "Engineers have arrived on the scene. They say we are on the verge of a massive explosion."

Bo starts back down. Grizzly stops him. Shawn shouts instructions to the brat. He frees her foot. Bo has gotten around Grizzly and is coming down the ladder, but Phillip says, "Bo, stop. We got her out. It could blow any second." Bo reverses direction. The rest follow. THAR SHE BLOWS! The crowd goes berserk.

Hope cries as the newsman reports, "The sewer line has exploded with three people inside. It's difficult to imagine how anyone could survive this."

Hope screams, "I can't lose Shawn! I can't lose him!" FF.



Alex prepares an injection and says, "You are legally married to me again, Marlena. Take your medicine like a good girl, or I'll be forced to hurt you."

Bo tells Billie, "We're her parents now. We gotta make sure she knows we love her."

Hope says, "He's chosen to be with Billie and Chelsea instead of me."

Mimi tells Belle, "I am the woman Shawn chose to marry. Not you. But he is my husband.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the presses!! We interrupt this program!!! PREVUZE RULES!

Can the idea of the national media picking this story up be anymore ridiculous? Not to mention Hatrick out there in the middle of the Caribbean, picking up a signal on a "magic TV" as Prevuze put it.

Loved the pictures.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Chelsea can be viewed as a heroine. No, I mean, really! If she hadn't fallen down the manhole, Ed & Grizzly were just going to seal up the sewer and all that leaking gas would have just built up to the point the entire block would have evaporated. The tiresome foursome would have gone with it.

Oh, wait! That would have been a GOOD thing. OK, guess the little child murderer is still on the side of darkness. hahaha

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how the media got there before local emergency units did! How did they know? LOL! Hmmmm, the local law prob realized the SuperBO of Salem was there, takin' care of it all with the heroness Billie!

911 to officials: Take your time, finish your donuts, Bo and Billie are there!

Great PREVUZE as always! Long time reader, first time commenter! LOL!

8:28 AM  

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