Thursday, October 13, 2005

Over My Cold, Dead Body

Jack brings tea. Tea fixes everything. He wonders where Frankie went. Jennifer says he wanted to give them some time alone and also was written out of this episode to save expenses. She tells Jack the tea won't help unless she wakes up and finds out this is a nightmare, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It was wrong," says Jack, "I just couldn't stand the thought of telling you and Abigail..."

Jennifer says, "Abigail – how are we going to tell her?"

Nicole rushes up and tickles Sami from behind. Sami says she and Austin have plans that don't include her, "If I were Austin I would run from you."

"As I recall he invited both of us to dinner," says Nicole, "A couple of days ago you were marrying Lucas and now you're after his brother. Neither of them would take your sorry ass back."

Austin asks Lucas, "How are the tips here? Do you do well?" He mentions the job at Titan.

Lucas explodes, "Why you gotta play games with me? You knew Victor offered me that job and you already turned it down!"

"North's first mistake was messing with me," says John, "This time he's gone too far. I'm gonna stop that SOB dead in his tracks."

"That will have a negative effect on Marlena," says Kate.

John says, "As of tonight, he is out of here." He bursts into the penthouse and searches, "MARLENA, WHERE ARE YOU?"

"I don't think there is anyone here," says Kate.

Alex and Marlena are at Chez Rouge. Alex asks if everything is OK. Marlena has barely touched her dinner. She says she just doesn't have an appetite right now. Alex says, "Something is troubling you. Tell me what it is."

Marlena says, "Well, it's just that John overacts, but you are a complete nutcase. I wonder if I made a mistake asking John for a divorce."

Charlie the bellman comes into the penthouse. He tells John, "Dr. Evans left word you are not to be here unescorted."

No problem. John's escort is a wad of cash, "I'm a little worried about my wife. It's important you tell me where she went."

"I overheard Dr. North say he was taking her to Chez Rouge for dinner," says Charlie.

John tells Kate, "We are going to Chez Rouge."

Marlena tells Alex she doesn't know why this is a mistake, but it's just a feeling she has. She wants to get better but thinks she is being a little hasty, "John loves me deeply. He is so eager to have me remember him. There were so many pictures in that photo album and we looked so happy and in love. I think I should take time to be sure."

"But you said you never felt more sure of anything," says Alex.

"I am not sure again," says Marlena, "I'm not sure I should make any decisions in my condition."

Alex flashes back to a hypnotism session, "You explained the reasons. You were very clear."

"I do know he really cares about me and I think I should wait until I get my memory back until I decide," says Marlena.

"I usually counsel my patients to trust their gut instincts," says Alex, "This is coming from somewhere deep inside of you."

Marlena plays the universal female cop-out card, "I'm going to the powder room." Where no man has gone before.

"I know this is confusing to you," says Alex, "I will order Chamomile tea and it will be waiting for you." Tea fixes everything. Marlena leaves. Alex stews, "You're not making this very easy my dear." he pulls out a bottle of pills, "It's time we got you back into the program"

"I turned down the job," says Austin, "Why are you mad because he offered it to me first?"

"I'm sick of your hand me downs," says Lucas. Including Sami?

"You're being ridiculous," says Austin, "You're going to do great."

"You're right about that," snaps Lucas.

"Dooooode, where is this coming from? We're on the same side," says Austin.

"Could have fooled me," says Lucas.

"This has nothing to do with the job and everything to do with Sami," says Austin.

Sami swears Lucas and she will get back together.

"Lucas will never take you back," says Nicole, "You were Stan. You almost got him killed. You got off on a lame technicality."

It wasn't lame. Austin came up with a brilliant legal maneuver. Austin and I are just friends. I LOVE Lucas! I am not making a play for Austin! Lucas and I will be together, and, frankly, I won't let Austin wind up with a money-grubbing slut like you. I won't let you hurt him."

"It is so obvious you are hedging your bets," says Nicole, "You know you have no chance with Lucas."

Sami says, "I don't even know why I am wasting my time with you. Austin is waiting for me, so go home. No one wants you here. Nicole pushes Sami into the bushes and runs inside. Sami struggles and squeals.

Jack isn't looking forward to breaking the news to Abby. He's going to make a video for Jack Junior, "Someday if he's lucky he'll have another father."

Jennifer yells, "What are you talking about? No one can ever replace you. You know that. You ask your daughter. She'll agree with me."

"Now I have to tell Abby to her face I'm leaving her again. This time for good," says Jack.

Abby asks Chelsea, "What are you talking about?"

"Look," says Chelsea, "I thought everything was going great for me and then I lost my parents. Now I'm stuck with Bo and Billie. You can't count on anything – ever. I found out the hard way."

"You can count on Bo and Billie and I can count on my mom and dad," says Abby, "You'll see."

Abby comes inside. She tells Jack and Jennifer about the "Light the Night" fundraiser, "You two will sign up for it, right?"

"Well see," says Jack, "We are so proud of you."

Your dad and I need to talk to you," says Jennifer. She asks Chelsea for some time alone.

Abby asks, "What did I do? Am I in trouble?"

"You didn't do anything wrong," says Jennifer.

"Look," says Jack, "There is no better way to do this than just tell you. I have a very serious illness and there is no cure."

Abby says, "So you'll always be on medication, but you will be all right."

"No," says Jack, "It's terminal. I'm going to die."

Alex says, "Time for your medicine Marlena, so you will forget all about John Black." Marlena returns and Alex serves tea. He advises her to keep her distance from John. She doesn't need the distraction and she needs to feel safe.

Marlena says, "It doesn't seem right to turn my back on him completely, Alex, it must really hurt him."

Kate and John have instantly changed from their scruffies into formal dinner attire. Kate tells John he shouldn't burst in and make a scene. He could end up losing Marlena for good.

"What should I do?"

"I do have an idea," says Kate.

Alex says, "You're not drinking your tea. It will get cold."

"I don't feel like tea," says Marlena, "Waiter, could you bring me some coffee?" Curses, foiled again! Alex sees John and Kate come in.

"I need to find a way to get that guy away from her," says John.

Alex tells Marlena, "It appears John hasn't wasted any time moving on with Kate Roberts."

"You think I'm jealous," asks Lucas, "Sami is poison. I can't believe you are shacking up with her."

"Everyone keeps saying that. I am not shacking up with her," says Austin, "I have no intention of repeating my mistakes."

"If you knew what was good for you," says Lucas, " you'd steer clear of her."

Nicole walks up, "I agree. Sami is bad news. She's a little hung up right now, so I thought I'd buy you a drink." Even though she's broke.

As they walk off, Lucas mumbles, "I don't know who's worse, Sami or Nicole."

"I've missed you," says Nicole. She kisses him.

"Thank you," says Austin, "It's nice to be back."

"So," says Nicole, "let's get a table and start celebrating."

Sami comes in digging branches out of her hair.

Nicole asks Austin what he has been doing in New York.

Sami seethes, "There is no way I'll let you get away with this." She sees Lucas at the bar. She rushes over and asks what he is doing there.

"I could ask the same thing," says Lucas, "Aren't you supposed to be in jail?"

"The charges were dropped thanks to Austin," says Sami. Lucas does a double-take.

Nicole says she was worried about Austin. Sami is getting her hooks into him again.

"I have to be honest, Nicole, my feelings for Sami have changed," says Austin.

Lucas is angry. Austin turned his back on his brother and sided with Sami. Sami tells Lucas, "I am really grateful to Austin. I thought you would be, too."

Lucas says, "You know what I'd be grateful for? If he'd mind his own damn business." You know what I'd be grateful for? If we could somehow get out of this wretched abyss the writers have put us in.

Abby can't believe it. Jack says there is nothing anyone can do. It's just a matter of time.

"No," she wails, "You can't do this to us. We can't lose you again. Mom, tell him."

Jennifer says, "I don't believe it either, honey. It's not fair."

Abby asks, "How long have you known?"

Jennifer says, "I just found out."

"I didn't want to ruin everything," says Jack, "I made a point of not telling you."

"When we danced at Brady and Chloe's wedding," says Abby, "you did that because you knew you wouldn't be able to dance at mine."


"You said you'd always be here for us," she cries.

"I will be," says Jack, "...watching as a guardian angel."

"I don’t want you as an angel," screams Abby, "You promised me, and you lied. She runs out sobbing.

Chelsea comes up, "Abby, what's wrong?"

"I have to get out of here now and I never want to come back," says Abby.

Sami apologizes for mentioning Austin's name.

"I need the money," says Lucas, "That's why I'm working here."

Sophie butts in and says, "That won't last long. He's already ditching us to go to work for Victor at Titan."

"I'm taking Brady's job," says Lucas.

"That's great," says Sami. Now you'll have plenty of time to sit around the house and do nothing!

"Yeah," says Lucas, "I thought I'd be sharing this with you. I've finally turned my life around. It took leaving you for that to happen."

Sami brushes off more branches and looks at Austin and Nicole.

Nicole asks how Austin's feelings for Sami have changed. "I was really hurt in Vegas," says Austin, "I didn't think I could forgive her. Sami has had some tough breaks. I am not condoning what she has done, I'm just saying she really needs help."

The pot calls the kettle black, "Sami will never change. If you were smart you'd stay away from her."

Austin says, "I thought we weren't here to talk about Sami."

"OK," says Nicole, "Let's have some fun. How about a little game of eight ball? Care to make a little wager? If I win, you come home with me tonight and not Sami." In other words, Austin is a LOSER if he goes home with Nicole. Austin's eyebrows go into orbit.

"You have no reason to feel guilty about John," says Alex, "He seems to be doing fine. Let's dance."

Marlena is distant as they do-si-so.

"It looks like they're on a date," grumbles John, "He knows I am watching. Come on, let's dance." It's a dance off. John squints at Alex. That'll show Alex who's boss. Kate suggests John ask Marlena to dance.

They go up to Alex and Marlena, "What a surprise," says John, "You OK, Marlena? No hard feelings, Dr. North? I suppose you wouldn't mind if I cut in?" Marlena gives a half smile.

"Forgive me," says Alex, "but it seems you already have a partner."

Just before John crushes Alex, Kate jumps in, "I'm the one who suggested this."

"If Alex doesn't mind," says Marlena.

"I do mind," says Alex, "Marlena was just telling me how tired she is. We were just about to sit down."

"Yes," says the bi-polar Marlena, "I am tired. Let's sit down."

"He acts like he owns her," says John.

"She does appear to be under his thumb," says Kate.

"What am I supposed to do," asks John, "just stand by? If North takes her away I'm gonna kill him."

Alex suggests they leave, "I'm gonna take you home and get you to bed."

Abby tells Chelsea her dad is dying. "OMG, Abby," says Chelsea, "I'm so sorry. I feel horrible about what I said before."

"God keeps playing this sick joke on my family," says Abby, "Now it's for good. He said there is no hope. I think we've used up all our miracles." Hug. Cry.

Jack stops Jennifer from going after Abby, "She will get through this. We will all get through this." Hug. Cry.

Abby says she has to get out of there. "Where do you want to go," asks Chelsea.

"Anywhere. Let's just go."

Jennifer doesn’t know how they will get through this, "I need you. Our children need you. I don't' know how to handle this."

"You can and you will," says Jack, "Trust me. It will be different this time. Everything will be all right."

Austin botches a shot. Nicole reminds him of the bet. "No matter what," he says, "I will still be there for Sami. If she doesn't get her life together, no telling what will happen to her."

Nicole nails a shot, "I am on a roll. Get ready to pack your bags." Austin would never be letting her win, right? Sami watches.

"Guess you got some competition, huh," says Lucas, "Maybe my brother isn't as dumb as he looks even if it is just Nicole."

Marlena protests but Alex insists. He hands her a rose and thanks her for having dinner with him, "Let's go home. I have the perfect thing to make you feel better." More tea, perhaps?

John excuses himself. Kate asks where he is going. He says, "I'm going to make a scene." He hustles over to Alex and Marlena and says, "Marlena, I can't let you go."

"Get your hands off her," says Alex.

John says, "She is leaving with you over my cold, dead body." Alex thinks, "It'll be a little messy, but if you insist." FF Marlena.


Mimi asks Shawn, "Are you ready to take the next step?"

Phillip says, "Sounds like Shawn and Mimi are having a pretty good time." Belle snaps, "Yes." Phillip asks, "What, you have a problem with that?" Belle says, "Yes, I do!"

Alex says, "I can beat John at his own game, and I know exactly how to do it."

Nicole says, "Austin and I wind up together." Sami says, Over my dead body." Looks like there might be a few dead bodies hanging around Salem pretty soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, a great preview full of great comments!!! Thanks!

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, John, here is what you need to do. Have a couple of flunkies "detain" North for a few hours. Send a limo with a message for Doc that North wants to have her come to meet him. Have her whisked off to some romantic spot where just the two of them can spend a week bonding and North can't find them.

Sorry, forgot that this was DAYS and that is too logical. HAHAHA

Thank you, Prevuze, for suffering through the show so we don't have to!

8:24 AM  

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