Friday, September 02, 2005

You Know You Are A Dazed Fan If...

Rednecks have nothing on us DAZED fans. To prove it, here are our

YOU KNOW YOU’RE A DAZED FAN IF...... think a romantic evening is a bust because it wasn't on a rooftop with hundreds of burning candles. know someone who died and you're expecting them to return. sit down to a big fancy meal and don't eat a bite of it. can recite the dialog along with the characters because they have the same lines to say over and over. take a blood test before marrying to make sure it isn’t a long-lost or unknown sister/brother/parent. endlessly discuss the merits of a Broe vs. a Bricole pairing or Lumi vs. Brami coupling with your chat group. book a flight overseas and are disappointed when it takes longer than 15 minutes. don’t understand why you actually have to show up at your job and put in a day’s work in order to get a paycheck. send your kid off to summer camp and are surprised when the little darling has only aged one month rather than one decade when s/he gets back. yearn to go to college for a semester or two and come out with a law or medical degree. go in for plastic surgery and expect to come out looking like Diedre Hall or Drake Hogestyn...only to find out you just look like yourself with a nose job and chin tuck. plan your day around the time DAYS comes on.

...take your high school diploma and apply to be CEO of your local mega-national corporation. And are shocked when you don’t get the job! (Unless one of your parents is the chairman of the board in which case you WOULD get the job.) are thrown into the depths of despair if your VCR fails while you are away (and you can’t get SoapNet for your daily fix). are as addicted to PREVUZE as you are to the real thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious ...And so true!

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost all of those apply to me, except for the part where I don't eat any of my big fancy meal (might explain why I can't lose weight)! Is it wrong???

Too funny.

6:27 AM  
Blogger admin said...

Love your site. Huge Days fan and going to make this site a regular stop by :)

8:01 PM  

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