Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Two Cans Short Of A Six Pack

Tec arrests Mimi. Bonnie says he can’t do that. He set them up, “That’s entrapment. I’ve seen it on Law and Order.”

Mimi says, “Mom, give it up. We might as well tell him the truth. It’s all gonna come out eventually.”

Stami flashes back to an argument with Brady. Look at Sami cross-eyed and she’ll get her REVENGE. Brady made the mistake of not saving Marlena. Stami smiles, “How lucky can a girl be? I get to ruin things forever between Brady and the woman he loves.”

Nicole sucks down a big martini. She wonders where Brady is. She has to think of some way to keep him and Chloe apart, “Why don’t you leave that up to me,” asks Stami.

“All clear,” says Brady, as the trio breaks into Basic Black, “All right, guys, let’s get to work. There’s a whole other level of classified info that my dad doesn’t have access to at home.” Brady pushes a button, which opens a wall panel revealing an ISA console, “We can use my dad’s password to get in there and download more information on Phillip.”

Rex says, “If I log into that thing I can get us all killed.” With Rex’ hacking skills that might be true of any computer.

Lexi says she wasn’t talking about Jennifer when she said, “She didn’t make it.” As we all guessed, it was Chelsea’s mother who died, not Abby. Mr. B is in surgery and it’s not looking good.

“My God,” says Billie, “That poor little girl could lose both her parents.”

Jennifer asks Patrick to call Hope. Patrick asks Billie if she is OK. “Yeah,” says the dazed Billie, “I’m OK.” The nurse tells Billie Chelsea is asking for her.

Billie goes into Chelsea’s room. Chelsea asks if her parents are OK. “The doctors are with them,” lies Billie, “I’m not going anywhere. I promised your mom I’d take care of you. That’s what I’m gonna do.”

The phone rings in the Brady bedroom. Bo waits for the machine to kick in. It’s Patrick. Hope answers. He tells them about the accident. He runs down the conditions of each of the victims.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the fire rages. Marlena hugs Cassie.

Jack crawls out of the rubble grunting and groaning. He sees Roman lying unconscious, “Oh no Roman, don’t be dead. I’m getting you out of here.” No response from Roman.

Debris falls as Victor tries to help Caroline. She can’t feel her legs.

Jack struggles over to Roman, “Don’t do this to me. You gotta wake up.” No response.

Cassie snivels, “They aren’t coming out.” Marlena reassures her.

Jack says, “Roman, listen to me. We’re running out of time. Marlena and Cassie are outside. We’re counting on you.” Roman stirs. He asks Jack what happened. Jack helps him up.

Caroline’s legs are trapped under the beam. It’s too heavy for Victor. “Nether one of you is going anywhere,” says Bart.

Rex hacks. Lucas arrives with a suitcase full of stuff. “Where did you get all that stuff,” asks Brady.

Bonnie tells Mimi not to say a word. Mimi just wants it all over with. Tec asks if she wants him to read her rights. Mimi says she didn’t attack Jan. She flashes back to Jan tripping, “We were arguing and she tripped. I left her but I didn’t know what else to do. I thought the cops would get the wrong idea. I never wanted her to get hurt. She’s a horrible person.”

Bonnie warns, “Watch it, Meems.”

“Mom,” says Mimi, “I waived my rights because I have nothing to hide. I’m going to tell Tec the truth – all of it.”

Billie and Patrick talk about the accident. “If anything happened to Abby, Jennifer couldn’t handle it,” says Patrick.

Bo arrives and asks Billie what she is doing there. She tells him she and Patrick were the first ones at the scene of the accident. “Are you OK,” he asks. Billie says she is not OK.

Lexi tells Jen she can go in and see Abby. Jennifer stares at her crushed and broken daughter, “Mommy’s here baby. It’s your birthday, you know. Did you think I forgot? We’re supposed to be having your surprise party right now. Oh, baby.”

Nicole tells Stami she’s not sure getting involved with him is the right thing.

Stami says it isn’t about her, it’s about Brady, “If Chloe is out of the picture, Brady will wind up married to you. I can’t imagine anything worse. If I were Brady and knew Chloe was alive, you’d mean about as much to me as a two-dollar whore.” SLAP.

Lucas has stuff left over from his days as a DiMera associate. He’s got visas and other things they need.

Rex finds a huge file on the computer, “This is everything we need to know.”

Kate interrupts, “What the hell is going on in here?” The boys stare.

Marlena and Cassie decide not to separate.

Roman and Jack struggle. They head out to get Cassie and Marlena.

Victor asks Bart to help them.

“No,” says Bart, “The count wouldn’t like that. It wouldn’t make his day, especially if this is his last one.”

Caroline is happy to find out Roman, Marlena, Jack and Cassie are alive.

Victor Begs Bart to help, “Take me, instead of her. That's a fair trade, me for her.”

“You’re really in love with her aren’t you,” asks Bart.

“She’s the love of my life,” says Vic.

Bart starts to help. The castle collapses.

“My God I don’t’ believe it,” says Roman, seeing something in the debris.

The girls watch the carnage.

Bonnie tells Tec Mimi is innocent, “Jan is two cans short of a six-pack, but Mimi wouldn’t want to hurt her.”

Mimi tells Tec She wouldn’t have been sorry if Jan left town. She tells Tec about the abortion. She tells him about the blackmail, “I should have told the truth a long time ago and none of this would have been happening right now. Jan wanted Shawn and that’s why she was blackmailing me.”

“Sounds like we’ve got motive,” says Tec, “You wanted her out of the way.”

“Yeah,” says Mimi, “I hated her and I wanted her dead.”

Hope tells Jennifer Lexi says Abby will be fine. She doesn’t want Jennifer to blame herself for this. Yeah, we know who will be blamed for this.

Bo and Billie hug. Bo pours coffee. Mmmmmm, chewy hospital coffee. A Starbuck’s Vente Latte this ain’t. Billie couldn’t help but think of Georgia when she was holding Chelsea’s hand.

Chelsea is ready for the OR. Lexi answers the phone. Bad news, “OK, Thanks for letting me know.” Lexi walks out into the waiting room. She tells Billie Chelsea should be on the way to surgery, “He father, we lost him.” Billie cries.

Stami arranges his mustache after the assault. He threatens to call Brady and tell him Chloe is alive unless Nicole apologizes. She refuses and he starts to call. She changes her mind. She wants his help.

“Listen up,” says Stami, “You only have one shot to keep Ghoul Girl away from Brady. You have to see to it that her surgery never happens.”

Kate wants to know what’s going on. Brady says they just needed some information. John doesn’t know they are there, but they are doing this to find Phillip.

Kate explodes, “Don’t you realize by interfering with the ISA you could be putting Phillip in more danger? You don’t know what you are doing. I’m calling John now and I’m going to put a stop to this.”

“I can’t let you do that,” says Rex.

Roman finds a satellite phone in the rubble, “This might just come in handy.” They take the phone and leave.

The boys rush out of the castle and we have the happy reunion.

Bonnie tells Mimi to shut up. Mimi protests. “I hated Jan Spears with every bone in my body, but I didn’t try to kill her. I ran because I was scared.”

Steely-eyed Tec decides not to arrest her. He knows things aren’t always like they look. Years ago a similar thing happened to his sister. If Jan wakes up and corroborates Mimi’s story she’s off the hook. Oh, that’ll happen. If Jan dies he will arrest Mimi for murder.

Mimi and Bonnie leave. Tec stares.

“Thank God you’re safe,” says Bonnie.

Mimi whines, “Mother, don’t you see, it doesn’t matter. I am doomed whether Jan lives or dies.”

Billie is in shock, “OMG, it’s really happened. She’s lost both her parents. What will happen to her now?”

Lexi needs consent for the surgery. Billie steps up to the plate. She will take care of Chelsea. There was an EMT there who witnessed Mrs B telling Billie she wanted her to do that. Lexi goes to find the EMT.

Bo thinks this is an incredible thing Billie is doing, taking care of a girl she doesn’t know.

I feel like I do know her. I just wish I could have done more to save her parents.”

“You did everything you could,” Bo hugs Billie as guess who, Hope, comes in and watches.

Mimi says if Jan dies she’ll be arrested for murder, and if she doesn’t die, Jan will lie.

Bonnie wonders, “Why didn’t you just keep quiet?”

Mimi says, “My whole life is over anyway. When Rex finds out what I did I will lose him forever.”

Nicole wants to know how she can stop Chloe’s operation.

“Don’t worry NURSE Nicole,” says Stami, “Together we’ll make sure the ugly duckling never turns into the swan.”

“Kate tells the boys they are delusional.” In this particular instance, Kate knows whereof she speaks. She tells Shawn, “The only reason you want to do this is so you can steal Phillip’s wife.” Shawn protests. Kate asks, “Is there no end to your selfishness?”

Lucas says Shawn didn’t drive them into anything. They made their own decisions.

Brady says, “With all due respect, Kate, you can’t stop us.”

“No,” says Kate, “But John and the ISA can. I’m calling John.” She picks up the phone but the bullies grab it from her.

The castle rumbles as the group talks. Roman uses the satellite phone to call a buddy of his who owns a plane, “We’ll be in Salem by morning.”

Victor and Caroline run out another door. Caroline says, “We did it Victor, we got out.”

“We’re going home,” says Vic.

Bart searches for Tony. He finds a crushed body wearing Tony’s ring. “NO,” says Bart, “you can’t be dead.” Zone in on the ring and bloody hand.

Patrick brings Jennifer coffee. Jennifer says Abby is stable. Jennifer is going to stay there in case Abby wakes up. Patrick wraps Jennifer in a blanket. “You’re always here when I need you,” says Jen.

“I always will be,” says Patrick.

Hope comes up and they go through the litany of who made it and who didn’t. I guess things are just too somber for Hope to go into a tirade right now.

Lexi has spoken to the EMT and he confirmed what Mrs B said. Lexi says, “What’s really sad is this all could have been prevented.” Here it comes, “If the EMS had gotten there sooner they would probably have survived.”

Bo tells Billie, “Too bad you didn't call me. I would have done something to speed up the process.”

“I did call,” says Billie, “But Hope hung up on me. If anyone is responsible for this, it’s Hope.”

FF on the despicable, murdering Hope.

Bo tells the guilt-ridden Hope, “If I had known about this accident I could have gotten Chelsea’s parents here to the hospital sooner.”

“They’re dead because of you, Hope,” says the comforting Billie.

Belle yells at Shawn, “You’re not doing this because you love me. You’re doing it because it’s easier. And, as usual, you’re putting your needs ahead of mine and everyone else’s.”

Rex says, “You seem kind of relieved that I’ll be out of touch, Mimi. Is there something going on you don’t want me to know about?”

Brady comes up to the hooded Chloe in church and asks, “Do you mind if I pray here?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pard has a satellite phone. He calls a buddy for a plane. Will he call Salem and let everyone know they are all alive? Nooooooo. GIVE ME A BREAK!

As always, the pictures are the icing on the cake. Yeeouch!

6:03 AM  

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