Friday, February 11, 2005

It's Not What It Looks Like

Shawn and Rex are having a conversation. They pat each other on their stylish leather jackets. They’re buds. Shawn goes over to Belle.

Shawn says, “I can’t believe Mimi is going through this.” Then, with all the compassion he can muster for Mimi, “Listen, you gotta decide. Ya gotta tell Phillip.” Mimi? I can’t believe we’re going through this again. Belle, as we all know, isn’t going to tell BH while he’s risking his haircut for our country.

Rex asks the doc if she knows what is wrong. “Yes,” she says, “let’s go somewhere where we can speak privately.” Shawn assures Belle everything will be all right.

The doc says she needs to ask Rex some questions about Mimi’s recent medical history. “Whatever you want to know,” says Rex. Bonnie storms up, “What have you done to my baby?”

JR wants BB to give him the drugs. BB refuses. He’s going to call Kate. JR rushes BB. DOWN goes JR. BB checks him out. A voice yells, “Hold it right there!”

Brandon says, “Samantha?” Sami looks at him and says, “Brandon?” Lucas is outside the door, “The PI was wrong.” He knocks again. Euglena watches and dials. She tells Kate Lucas is finally there, “Sami is finally going down.” Kate wants to hear all the details.

“Hands up,” says the cop. BB says he can explain, “This man is my father.” BB and JR are under arrest for disturbing the peace. The other cop says picks up the syringe and says, “That’s not all they’re under arrest for.”

Sami says, “See who’s at the door, Lucas. Tell ‘em to go away. I just want to be with you.” She looks over, “Brandon? OMG, I thought that was just a dream. What are you doing here?” She looks under the covers. Oops. “OMG, I have to get out of here!” She knocks over a light as she gets up. Lucas hears it, “Somebody is in there. Sami, are you OK?” Euglena tells Kate the fireworks are about to begin. Brandon says he’ll get the door. Sami tells him No.

BW wants to know where Mimi is. The doc asks if she is her mother. Rex ‘splains what happened to Mimi. Bonnie pulls rank on Rex. She wants to discuss Mimi’s medical history with the doc in private.

Belle wants to know what could be wrong with Mimi. She saw Phillip’s haircut and fainted. It feels so good being there with Shawn. “I’ll always be here for you,” he says. Rex comes up and tells them to break it up. He says BW wanted to talk to the doc alone, so now he’s out of the loop. Rex asks Belle if she knows something that might have made Mimi collapse. Belle stares.

The doc tells BW Mimi is suffering from a pelvic infection. BW confirms the conversation is confidential, then tells the doc Mimi had an abortion recently, “You don’t think that caused this infection, do you?”

Mimi agonizes. Evil-boy-vision taunts her. Mimi tells the nurse, “Get Rex. There’s something I have to tell him.”

Sami tells Brandon not to open the door. Brandon picks up a champagne bottle, “We must’ve had one hell of a night.” Sami says, “Don’t even say that.” Another knock. Sami tells Brandon not to open it. “Well,” he says, “whoever it is isn’t going away.” Lucas takes out his cell phone and tries to call the room. The operator says the occupants have asked not to be disturbed. He hangs up and pounds on the door some more.

“OMG,” says Sami, “It’s Lucas.” Brandon says, “I’ll handle this.” Sami begs him not to open the door. She dives under the covers. Brandon opens the door, “Lucas what are you doing here.” Lucas tries to go in, but Brandon blocks him. Euglena gives Kate the play-by-play. Lucas busts in. He looks everywhere but under the covers. He starts out. Brandon says, “Hey, I could call security. It’s time for you to leave.” Lucas looks at the bed. He yanks the covers off. Surprise, surprise. Sami cries.

“He’s going for a gun,” says the cop. “Easy, Rookie,” says JR, “I’m going for my wallet.” He tosses the wallet at the other cop who opens it, “I had no idea, sir.” He tells the other cop, “This is John Black, the billionaire.” Now, if ever the phrase “he has more money than sense” meant anything… JR tells them he’s down there setting up a drug sting. He was supposed to meet his informant there, but got worked over by a couple goons. Yeah, Brady and Brady. The cop asks if there is anything they can do to help. BB says they can help his father get home safely. The cops leave to call it in. BB asks JR, “What the hell’s the matter with you? Scoring drugs and lying to the cops in one night.” JR says, “Not now,” and limps off. Funny how his pain seems to come and go.

Euglena tells Kate Lucas worked his way into the room, and she can’t see what is going on, “Oh, Brandon almost lost the sheet which was covering him.” She giggles. Kate imagines and smiles. They hang up. Kate pours herself a drink, “Farewell, Sami. Good riddance. Sorry you had to be hurt, Lucas, but Sami would have hurt you more. Someday you’ll realize how lucky you were you didn’t marry Sami.”

Sami gives Lucas the standard line, “This isn’t what it looks like.” Lucas says, “She’s all yours, Brandon.” He leaves. Sami yells, “NO!”

Mimi agonizes. More taunting.

Belle remembers a while back Mimi wasn’t feeling right. “That’s right,” says Rex, “Mysterious female trouble.” The nurse tells Rex Mimi is asking for him. Shawn comforts Belle. She turns on him, “You don’t give up, and do you? I’m not going to tell BH in an email our marriage is over!” I think we all knew that. The dazed and confused Shawn stares with his mouth wide open.

BW tells the doc she encouraged Mimi to go through with the abortion, “Did that cause the infection? Oh, God, it did, didn’t it? It’s all my fault.” So much for blaming Rex.

Rex comforts Mimi. She says, “I’m so sorry.”

Sami tells Lucas she can ‘splain things. “You don’t have to,” says Lucas, “You wanted a last minute fling with Brandon, that’s all.” Sami doesn’t exactly know how this happened, but she loves Lucas, “I don’t know how I wound up naked in bed with Brandon, but it wasn’t on purpose.”

“It never is, is it, Sami? You know what? I am done. You haven’t changed. You are the same manipulative liar you have always been. Goodbye.” Sami grabs him, “I’m not going to let you leave me.” Lucas scowls.

BB brings JR in. He tells Kate, “I found my father on the pier tonight scoring drugs, why weren’t you watching him? What are we paying that nurse for?” The nurse comes down. BB fires her. JR defends her, “If you want to blame somebody blame me.” BB tells him they need to have a good, long talk.

Lucas isn’t buying anything, “You’re here because you wanted to be here.” Sami says, “You’re right. I came here because I wanted to see Brandon.”

Bonnie says she’s a terrible mother. This is her fault. The nurse gives us our medical lecture for the day, “Under normal circumstances an abortion is a routine medical procedure…”

“But she didn’t want to do it. She would have been a wonderful mother, not like me. I pushed her to do what I wanted.” The doc asks her to go in and see Mimi. Mimi’s prognosis is uncertain. They don’t know what happened yet. The doc leaves. BW goes in to see Mimi.

She sees Rex in there. She breaks down. “Rex loves her so much,” says Belle. “This is all my fault,” bawls BW. Belle says, “I know you’re feeling guilty about her wanting to have this abortion…” BW says, “You know?” Belle assures her Mimi is a strong person and makes her own decision. BW says, “She was scared and vulnerable and I pushed her into it. And I hoped Rex would break up with her because of it. I’m not a mother, I’m a monster.”

Rex says Mimi doesn’t have to be sorry, “It’s not your fault you’re sick.”

“That’s not completely true,” says Mimi, “Something happened. You need to know what it is.” Rex stares. Mimi stares.

Sami says she had to find Brandon after reading he would be the cause of her wedding day disaster. She had to ask him to leave her alone. That makes sense. If you want someone to leave you alone, hunt 'em down. “I came here to protect our future. You believe me, don’t you?”

Belle tells Bonnie she’s not a monster. They need to stay positive. Bonnie says she forgot to congratulate Belle on her wedding, “Marry the man of your dreams and he goes off to war – just like in the movies. When he comes home, you’ll see each other across the airport and run toward each other.” Yeah, picture it now, Belle, Shawn and BH all running toward each other. BW says she always knew BH loved her, “He once told me, I don’t just love her, she’s my best friend. A love like that doesn’t come around very often. When it comes to love, never let anyone influence your decisions. If you do, you will regret it the rest of the Daze of Your Life.” The guilt-ridden Belle stares.

Shawn comes in. Belle is so sorry she snapped at him. He wasn’t going to say a word about BH. He wants to go light a candle for Mimi. She always loved him, always will, “I’m going to do the right thing so we can be together.”

Rex tells Mimi, “Belle talked to me. She reminded me you had the female trouble.” Mimi says, “That’s not the whole story.” Bonnie overhears. “I’m not proud of it. I just hope when I tell you, you’ll still love me.” Rex reassures her. Bonnie thinks, “If we can just make her healthy, I promise never to interfere again.”

The heartless BB tells the nurse to leave. He asks JR, “Where do you think we would be spending the night if you hadn’t lied to the cops?”

“What,” asks Kate. She can’t stand scheming liars.

BB tells her the story. BB would have rather gone to jail if it would have meant keeping JR clean. Kate says, “If we stick together, we can work through this.” BB says they need outside help. He’s going to call Judge Fitzpatrick and force JR into rehab. “No,” says JR, “You’re not going to force me into rehab like some common junkie, I'm a billionaire junkie.”

Lucas doesn’t know what to believe. He says he didn’t believe it when he first heard she was there. He says to Brandon, “A part of me wants to tear you apart for doing this.” However, since Brandon would clean his clock, he probably won’t go that route. “But part of me wants to shake your hand for showing me the real Sami. You can have her.”

Sami tells him, “You can’t go, we’re getting married in a couple of hours.” Lucas says, “You’ve gotta be kidding me. We’re not getting married. Lucas leaves. “NOOOOOOOOOOO,” bawls Sami. FF on Sami.


“OMG, Doc,” says Roman, “Something’s being pumped in that nozzle.” Marlena says, “GAS!” Well, it ain’t Tony’s cigar smoke.

Maggie tells Hope, “Billie and Patrick were arrested.” Hope says, “I’m not going to let her get away with this.”

Bo tells Billie, “If you were tempted, you could have called me.” Billie asks, “And interrupted your romantic evening with Hope?”

Lucas says, “They warned me but I wouldn’t listen. I was too in love. I’m done, Sami. Goodbye.” Sami cries.” Days of Our Lives / Soap Opera / DOOL


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