Monday, November 01, 2021

Zombie Apocalypse

When John dies in the crypt and the flesh rots from his bones he'll be
able to slip right out of those handcuffs. #DAYS

Scenes we'd like to see: "A hand suddenly sticks up out of the dirt at
Jordan's grave. Hey, it's Halloween. #DAYS

John in the crypt brings back memories of Brady and Melanie trapped in
there & Brady talked Melanie into taking off her bra because it had a
wire he could use as a cell phone antenna. Classic #DOOL. #DAYS

The Zombie Apocalypse has begun in Salem. #DAYS

When Ava goes to trial for killing Carmine, she might want to work a
plea deal. Most juries don't by the "A Zombie did it" defense. #DAYS

Rafe: "The woman I am living with may be indirectly responsible for Abe
getting shot. I might have to dump her." Nicole: "Drat the bad luck." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Tony: "I see you're engrossed in Johnny's script." Anna:
"It's gross all right." #DAYS

Next on #DOOL — Abe: "I'm sorry to hear you and Eric are getting
divorced." Nicole: "That's OK. The time we were together was so short it
practically counts as a one-night-stand." #DAYS

Q: How do zombies die in Salem? A: They starve to death. There are no
brains in Salem." #DAYS


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