Friday, December 02, 2005

Ulterior Motive

Mimi and Shawn wonder if Belle and Phillip got any sleep last night. They hope the antibiotics are starting to work for Claire.

Kate seethes. Kate plots. Kate can never let anyone find out Claire is not Phillips daughter. It would destroy his life. "But if Shawn and Mimi would marry, then Shawn would be safely out of the picture for good, and Mimi would be stuck with Shawn.

Philip tries to talk Belle into getting some sleep. She can't, "Look at her. If anything, she's getting worse!"

Hope is playing with Zach. She finds a racecar for him just like his Uncle Max'. Bo arrives with bad news. They haven't been able to find Jack.

"It was bad enough to have Jack dying of an incurable disease," says Hope, "But this... to lose Jack like this... I can't imagine how Jennifer's going to handle it."

Chelsea tries to comfort Abby, "Don't give up hope. There is still a snowball's chance in hell they will find your dad."

"I want to believe that, but... there's no way. I have to accept now that he is gone. The only question now is how do I get my mom to accept it," cries Abby.

Crazed Jennifer runs around yelling, "Frankie! Frankie! Jack's alive! He's alive! I know he is. I had this dream. He came home. He's fine! I know he is!" Frankie tries to bring her back to earth but, hey, lost cause. Jennifer has to get things ready, "I know he will be here any minute."

Abby thanks Chelsea and Max for everything but she has to go check on her mom. Max asks Chelsea if she is OK. "Yeah, Abby was there for me when I lost my parents and now it's my turn to be there for her."

Max says, "Abby is really lucky to have you as a friend. And you are lucky, too. You have Billie to love and care for you and Bo to con out of money every time you turn around.

"I don't know that I am all that lucky to have Bo and Billie as parents," says Chelsea.

"I don't know Billie all that well," says Max, "even though I've hit on her a couple times, but my brother Bo is a great guy. I think you should give them a chance."

Zach plays. Bo tells Hope things look grim for Jack, "Pretty soon this will stop being a search and rescue mission and just be recovery."

Hope says, "This is awful, Bo. I will never forget the look on Jen's face when they pulled Jack's car from the river and he wasn't in there. She was so sure he was alive."

"She's going to have to prepare herself for the worst," says Bo.

Meanwhile, Jennifer is not preparing herself for the worst. Frankie tries in vain to bring her back to reality. No dice. They've dug out last year's scripts, dusted them off and Jennifer remembers every word, "I tell you he's alive. He's coming home."

Frankie keeps trying, "They have searched in the river and the surrounding area. They can't find him."

Abby walks up, "Then he really is gone?"

Jennifer says, "No, honey, he is not! It's practically daylight. They will find him. He was probably huddled by the side of the river all night and they just couldn't see him."

"Mom," says Abby, "That's not very realistic."

"Honey," says Jennifer, "This is Salem. Reality has nothing to do with anything. I know it in my heart. He will come back to us just like he did before." Flashback to one of Jack's myriad of returns – the one in the hospital. Jennifer loses all grip and goes to make Jack's favorite breakfasts, blueberry pancakes.

Phillip tries to comfort Belle, "Honey, try to calm down. She's not getting any worse."

Belle turns on him like a rattlesnake with an attitude, "SHE'S NOT GETTING ANY BETTER EITHER! Lexie told me what she has is really serious. It could cause brain damage. Obviously, I had the same thing when I was her age. It could go on to progressive organ failure, or worse.

"Honey," says Phillip, "this little girl is our gift from God. And the three of us are going to be a family. Nothing is going to change that." Translation: Expect major changes. Kate watches and wonders.

Mimi asks Shawn, "What is the bad news? What did the nurse say?"

"They took the baby to pediatric ICU. So far she isn't getting any better," says Dr. Shawn.

"OMG," moans Mimi, "That's terrible."

"Yes," says Shawn, "And I want to be with them, but my parents keep sending me urgent messages, so I'm thinking I'd better go over there and see what's wrong, because there are no phones in Salem. Just urgent message senders."

Mimi says she will take care of things. What has the world come to? Mimi is the only woman in Salem who isn't acting like a blithering idiot.

Kate comes up to bug Mimi again about her relationship with Shawn.

"Again," says Mimi, "With Shawn and me."

Kate says, "I'm just so happy you're getting over Rex, but I guess having a new love in your life will do that, wont' it?"

"I never said anything about love," says Mimi.

"It's written all over you," says Kate.

"No," says Mimi, "That's my new tattoo."

"I heard you two are living together," says Kate, "When are you going to take the next step?"

Mimi says, "OK, Kate, why are you so gung-ho about Shawn and me all of a sudden?"

"It's not all of a sudden," says Kate.

"OMG," says Mimi, "Is Rex coming back to town? Are you trying to keep me away from your precious son?"

"No," says Kate, "That is not it. And Rex is never coming back to town."

"Then tell me what this is all about," says Mimi. Kate stares. "This is the second time in two days you've been talking about Shawn and me. What I can't figure out is why it matters so much to you."

"I just want to see you happy," lies Kate.

"OH, PULEEESSSEE," says Mimi, "You were never happy when I was with Rex. You never wanted him to marry me. I'm sure you were thrilled when he left me and that I was never good enough for your son. Last night after we talked I was wondering, what ulterior motive could Kate possibly have?"

Kate says, "OK. I admit it. I do have an ulterior motive." STOP THE PRESSES – KATE HAS AN ULTERIOR MOTIVE! "It's about Belle and Phillip and the baby. And I'm going to tell you what it is."

Hope tells Zach, "Time to put the toys away and eat your breakfast so you can grow up big and strong just like your dad." Hope loves Bo. Bo loves Hope. "But, face it," says Hope, "Someday, one of us will be alone."

Bo just hates getting blindsided, "What are you talking about?"

"It's reality. We're both cops. We never know what's going to happen. This thing with Jack and Jennifer has really got me thinking. What's going to happen to their family?"

Shawn busts in. No motorcycle, though. He tells them he's sorry he couldn't get back with them earlier, but he's been at the hospital all night with Claire. He tells them the whole tear-jerk story."

"What next," asks Hope.

"Whaddya mean, 'what next.' Did something else happen," asks Shawn.

Bo narrates the other tear-jerk story of the evening. Shawn asks about Jennifer and Abby, "How are they dealing with it."

Hope says, "Jennifer is not dealing with it. I think this might just be the thing to push her over the edge."

Back at the Devereaux house, located right over the edge, Jennifer prepares breakfast for Jack, who will walk in any minute, covered with mud, of course. She tells Abby, "Help me get ready. He'll be here any minute."

Frankie thanks Max for helping look for Jack. Max asks how Jennifer is taking it.

"She's putting on a brave face," says Frankie, "I think it will only make it that much harder when she finally gets the bad news." Chelsea comes up and asks where Abby is.

FIRE ALARM! Everyone runs into the kitchen to help out.

Belle hums to Claire. Phillip interrupts and tells her she is a great mom. Belle beats herself up. She thinks she should have been there for her before Claire got sick, "One thing is for sure though. You are the best father anyone could ever have. I love you more every day and feel closer to you than I ever have."

Kate says she is going to level with Mimi, "I'm not exactly Mother Teresa, and at the end I wasn't happy with your relationship with Rex. I was very upset about the abortion. But then I noticed you and Shawn were really helpful with Belle and I think it would be, uh, uncomfortable for Belle to continue to have feelings for Shawn. I think it would be in everyone's best interests if you and Shawn got together, don't you?

"OK," says Mimi, "I guess that makes sense. So you'll be happy to know that Shawn and I have been getting closer. But we are a long way from making a serious commitment or walking down the aisle."

"That could change," says Kate.

Mimi gives her the facts, "We're both broke. Shawn isn't making much as a mechanic. So for us to even think of settling down we would have to save some serious money."

"I understand that. Especially if you want to have children," says Kate.

"Yeah, well," says Mimi, "Can't have any kids of my own, Kate, but I would love to adopt. But with that comes even more responsibility. And it costs big bucks. So none of that can happen soon, I hate to tell you."

"Waitasec," says Kate, "I just remembered... Belle wants to stay home with the baby now. So I have to replace her position at Basic Black. You have a great sense of style. Would you like to take a crack at it?"

"I'll think it over."

"Do that," says Kate, "And I sincerely hope you say yes."

Jennifer has entered the why stage, "Why did he have to go out tonight. Why did he have to get me these stupid flowers? Why did he have to go over that bridge? Why couldn't he have gone another way? Why couldn't I have saved him? It's not fair, Frankie."

"No," says Frankie, "Jack didn't deserve to die that way."

Wrong choice of words, "He is not dead," insists Jennifer. There is a timely knock at the door. "Could be your daddy's home," whimper's Jennifer. She turns and runs toward the door.

Shawn suggests he and Zach should have a brother's day at the park someday. He can't stay for breakfast. He has to get back to the hospital. They will let him know if anything changes with Jack and Jennifer's situation. Shawn leaves. Hope says it felt good to have the family together again.

"Chelsea wasn't here. She's part of our family," says Bo.

"I know how much it means for you to have her as part of our family," says Hope, "Especially since you didn't get to be there for her growing up. Children shouldn't be separated from their parents."

"Yeah," says Bo, "And with Jack gone, it's going to be roughest on Abby and Jack Junior."

"God, we're so blessed," says Hope.

Mrs. Mason is at the door. Either that or Jack is wearing a really good disguise. She is there to drop off a casserole. OMG, no. that's what they do when people have died. "You know," says Mrs. Mason, "I think it's best what happened to Jack. At least it was quick. He didn't have to suffer like he would have with that fatal disease. I don't blame him one bit for ending it while he could."

Jennifer insists Jack is not dead and would not drive off the bridge on purpose. Babble Jennifer babble. See Jennifer babble.

Mrs. Mason removes her foot from her mouth, apologizes and leaves.

Frankie flashes back to one of his tiresome conversations with Jack.

Abby tells Max she's worried about her mom, "She is really freaking out." Max assures her he and Chelsea will be there to support her. Abby goes to get dressed.

"You really are a good guy," says Chelsea.

"That surprises you," asks Max.

"A little," she says, "Most times you just seem immune to everything. Nothing ever gets to you."

"What can I say. I was born at a very early age. Caroline and Shawn really saved my life. Now I think it's time we started thinking about us. I think it's time we moved this relationship forward, don't you?" Chelsea stares.

Hope feels for what Belle and Phillip are going through.

"You're thinking about JT aren't you," asks Bo.

"When I think of all the hours we spent waiting for him to pull through, that was the most awful, frightening time of all the Days Of Our Lives. What if the baby doesn't pull through?" That child could have been our grandchild if, perish the thought, Belle had married him."

"She didn't. She married Phillip. They are a family. God willing, they always will be," says Bo. Unfortunately, God isn't on the DOOL writing staff.
Mimi tells Shawn about Kate's job offer, "She seems to want us to settle down and live happily ever after."

"This is Salem," says Shawn, "That never happens. I don't get it. Why does Kate care what we do?"

Mimi says, "She's afraid you and Belle could get back together one day, which is completely ridiculous, right?" Shawn stares.

Belle tells Claire what a wonderful life she is going to have. Claire's monitors go berserk. Belle goes berserk.

Chelsea says, "I can't even think of getting serious with anyone right now. With all Abby is going through..."

"That's exactly why I brought it up," says Max, "Life is too short. I know. I've seen a lot of racecar drivers crash and burn in front of my eyes. It's just like what happened with Jack. You never know when something is going to happen to someone. Of course, on this show, things are so predictable, you usually do know."

Abby walks in, "Max is right. You have to grab every chance at happiness. You never know when it will all just get taken away."

Jennifer says she knows what Frankie is thinking. He agrees with Mrs. Mason. Jack is better off dead so he won't have to suffer, "Well, I don't agree. I want to spend every last minute with him." The phone rings. Guess who Jennifer thinks it might be.

Shawn insists there is no future for Belle and him, "I don't know how Kate could think that."

"You don't know how strange she was acting," says Mimi, "Why do I get the feeling there is more to this?"

Kate thinks, "Shawn can never find out the truth about Claire."

Chaos reigns in Claire's room. Blithering Belle bawls. Phillip escorts her out and tries to contain her.

"I love you, fancy face," says Bo.

Hope counts her blessings, "I'm going over to Jennifer's to be there for her. If Jack is gone, I seriously don't know how Jennifer will handle this."

"That was a police officer," says Frankie, "He said Roman wants to come over and give you the news in person."

"Why in person," asks Jennifer.

"Because," says Abby, "It must be the worst news. Daddy must be dead." FF.


"Those memories," says Carrie, "are one of the reasons why I haven't gone back to Salem in all these years and probably never will."

Sami asks, "What is it about her that every single guy she meets falls in love with her?"

Jack's gone," says Hope. "I cannot accept that," says Jennifer, "I just can't."

Kate says, "Shawn may help Claire get through this. I don't care what I have to do. He will never find out he's her father."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like we've finally reached a new "day". Mark your calendars!

Many LOL moments today. I'll be chuckling over the one with Jen and Gene Wilder from "Young Frankenstein" all day. And the comment about the "Devereaux house-located right over the edge" just about sent me over the edge. HAHAHAHA

And Bob Anderson....ah, for the good old days when a dead character would stay dead. They don't make 'em like that anymore.

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody explain to me why Kate was less than supportive of Rex and Mimi, outright hostile to Lucas and Sami, but will do anything to keep Phillip with Belle? Why does only Phillip get stuck with a lying 'ho?

2:45 PM  
Blogger Prevuze said...

Good point. What makes Phillip so special? You don't suppose his middle name is... dare I suggest it... Oedipus?

2:52 PM  

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