Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Decline And Fall Of Kate Roberts

It was a dark and stormy night. Bo comes up onto the deck. He yells, “Hope! Hope where are you?” The nitwit is sailing this little dingy across the ocean, left the thing on autopilot with a navigation system he knew was faulty, took two knockout pills and laid unconscious in the middle of the great nor’easter of 2005. Hope should be swimming for shore as fast as she can.

The radar follows two boats. Tony D says, “Poor Bo. Wonder what he’s going to do without the love of his life.”

Bart has a black eye, “That Hope has a mean right hook, Boss.

“Hope is more than just a pretty face,” says Tony, “I’m sure by now she must realize her fate is sealed. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.” Interesting, isn’t it – you can read that inscription at the gates of hell and at the Salem city limits.

Belle answers the door at Lucas’ apartment. She asks, “Shawn, what are you doing here?”

“I was invited,” says Brainiac.

Belle says, “I think you have an ulterior motive for being here.”

Shawn says, “I’ll take any chance I can to be near you.”

Sami says, “The tapes aren’t blank. Lucas, I saved the best surprise for last. You’ll recognize the voice on the tapes.”

Roman suggests, “Why don’t we hear what Sami gave Lucas.”

Lucas says he doesn’t have a tape player. Sami says, “I brought one just in case. It’s part of your present.” Lucas inserts the tapes as Sami smirks.

Kate stands open mouthed. Lucas jams the tape. Kate says to Eugenia, “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”

Eugenia remembers she has another party to go to. Sami tells Eugenia she can’t go. She encourages the crowd to convince Eugenia to stay.

Kate asks Eugenia, “Did you do something stupid I don't know about?”

Sami plays nice and hands Eugenia and Kate cake and tells them how glad she is they came.

The tapes play.

Kate’s voice says, “Sami Brady is the bain of my existence...”

Lucas jams the tape, “Mom what’s this all about?”

“What’s going on, Kate,” asks Roman.

Kate fumbles for words, “I’m sure it was recorded out of context.”

Phillip asks her if she tried to keep Sami from marrying Lucas, “Tell me those tapes won’t be incriminating.”

Roman says, “Kate, wife or no wife, if you’ve been lying, then my daughter is your victim along with Will. I don’t know how any of them will forgive you.”

Shawn takes Belle aside, “See, secrets and lies tear people apart. I don’t understand how you can stay married to a person you don’t love.” Phillip wheels in. Belle stares.

“We’ve done a pretty good job with Hope,” Says Bart.

“You’re lucky all you got was a black eye,” says Tony, “The important thing is Bo fears his Fancy Face is lost at sea. It’s only part of our mission. Bo will be desperate to find his great love.”

Bo screams for Hope. He finds the bracelet she dropped. He drops anchor. He dives in.

“Bo and Hope,” says Tony, “The pluckiest of all set sail to rescue Victor and Caroline and find out the whereabouts of Georgia. When will they leave well enough alone? Luckily for us they never do. Capturing Hope was no problem at all and I’m sure Bo is planning her rescue right now... Why do I smell smoke?” Bart rushes out. Tony continues, “Neither fire nor flood nor tempest at sea will keep me from my task. I will have revenge on Bo and Hope.”

Bo yells. He studies the bracelet. “I'm gonna find you Fancy Face. He yells into the radio microphone, “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!”

The US Coast Guard answers. He tells them Hope is gone, “I need search and rescue now!”

The Coast Guard asks, “Where are you?”

“I don’t have coordinates,” yells Bo.

The Coast Guard radio man asks a very intelligent question, “If we don't' know where you are, how can we find you?”

Belle says, “Shawn and I were just...” Phillip grimaces. Belle asks, “What is it, your leg? Did you take your medicine?”

Phillip says, “I thought I could tough it out.”

“We have to go,” says Belle.

Lucas the spastic fumbles with the tapes. Belle tells Roman they have to go. Eugenia and Kate sweat like a couple of hogs on the way to slaughter.

“You told me there was no evidence,” says Kate.

“I was telling you the truth, I swear,” says Eugenia. She flashes back to dropping the tapes in the sewer.

Sami flashes back to her sewer swim.

Lucas finally gets the tape back into the recorder and plays more.

Kate’s voice: “I can’t destroy her all by myself. I need someone who hates her to help me.”

Eugenia: “I’m the person to help. Let’s use that psychic, too.”

Kate talks about drugging Sami’s drink: “The important thing is to get them NAKED IN BED together. You get them in bed and take their clothes off and get Lucas over there before the drugs wear off.”

Kate continues: “We did it! Lucas was so convinced Sami has changed. Poor Lucas, he was so innocent. I just saved him a lifetime of misery with that bitch. I hated breaking his heart, but it was for his own good. I feel badly about breaking my word to Roman though. I said I would look after Sami. At least he is gone so he will never know I betrayed him.”

Roman works his tongue.

“I don't know why I’m so shocked,” says Lucas, “I thought you wanted me to be happy. You betrayed me.”

“And now you know the truth,” says Sami. “Lucas, your mother is a two-faced lying bitch,” Lucas turns and looks Kate straight in both of her faces.

Roman makes a face.

Back at the apartment, Phillip thanks Shawn for wheeling him home. Belle brings Phillip a pill. Shawn and Belle stare as Phillip takes his medicine.

Belle will fix him a protein shake. Phillip says he will make it himself, which gives Belle and Shawn an opportunity to rehash.

“You can go now,” says Belle.

“We need to talk.”

From across the room, Phillip invites Shawn to stay.

The drugs kick in. Phillip gets woozy.

Belle says, “I need to be here for my husband.”

Shawn says, “You should tell him the truth.”

“If you hurt him I will never speak to you again,” says Belle, “I can’t get caught between the two of you.”

Sami goes on, “The time has come, Kate, for your confession. The evidence exists. Lucas, after my mom cheated on my dad our lives were a wreck. I learned how horrible that is. I was innocent, but not of everything. That was the best part of Kate’s plan. That was evil genius at it’s best.”

“Kate, you knew everyone would believe I betrayed Lucas. There I was looking forward to the happiest day of my life. But Lucas didn’t believe in me.”

“Lucas, your mother decided what was best for you. She wanted to make me suffer. She dragged Eugenia in. and the two of them ruined my life. They drugged Brandon and me. Who knows what was in those drinks. They could have killed us.”

“Eugenia, I owe it all to you. Thank you. You were smart enough to know you can’t trust Kate. Your insurance turned out to be my salvation.”

“So Lucas, how about it? You said if you ever found proof you would turn you back on her.”

“Dad, what about you? How can you stay married to her? You of all people you deserve to be married to a wonderful woman you love and trust and Kate is not that woman.”

Kate says, “I wouldn’t judge me too quickly. A few minutes ago she confessed to the whole thing.”

Sami says, “I only said that so they would know you were lying.”

“I can’t figure out how she could do something so low,” says Lucas.

“Kate,” says Roman, “Those tapes are strong evidence. You set Sami up. How despicable! All this time you knew what a rotten thing you had done not only to Sami but also to Lucas. I’m beginning to wonder if I ever knew the woman I married.”

Bo yells, “Hope! Hope!” Into the radio, “You’ve gotta help!”

The Coast Guard radio operator asks, “Do you know how long she’s been gone? How far off course are you?”

Bo says, “The radar is jammed. Something kept pulling us west. I have no coordinates for you. You gotta help me.”

Bart comes back in. His arm is on fire.

He tells Tony, “Hope got a book of matches and started a fire, the little pyro. I got it put out and got the matches from her. Maybe she was trying to send smoke signals.”

“She has no idea who she is up against,” says Tony.

Bart begs, “Please don’t make me go up against Hope again.”

“Don’t worry,” says Tony, “Bo won't have a shred of manhood left when I am done with him. Watch and see.”

“Tapes don’t lie, Kate,
Says Roman, “You’re busted.”

Kate says, “Roman, you know Sami could have edited those tapes. I know you...”

“Kate, you’re married to a cop,” says Sami, “Dad knows how to verify tapes. He can tell if they’ve been edited. He doesn’t have to do that. All he has to do is look at Eugenia. Eugenia, I’m sure you were going planning to blackmail Kate form the beginning.”

Kate tries to defend herself but Eugenia breaks in, “I can’t take this any more. Sami’s got us.” Sami smiles. Kate stares.

Phillip zones out in his drug-induced stupor while Shawn and Belle talk. Belle tells Shawn to go home.

“No,” says Shawn, “you need me and I need you.”

She mixes the shake, “I’m married to Phillip. Why can’t you just accept that?”

Shawn asks, “You want me to start dating someone else? You want me to marry her and have children with her? Is that what you want?”

Belle says, “I’m doing what is right.”

“What is right,” says Shawn, “is us together.”

Belle says, “Phillip is still my husband.”

“You can ask him for an annulment.”

Belle says, “This is a real marriage and I am about to have a real child. You and I are not going to have a future together.”

Shawn says, “Nothing you say is going to change my mind.”

Phillip says, “There is nothing to worry about, because it’s over.” What? The War of 1812? I mean, he certainly can’t be talking about this stale storyline.

Phillip says, “Did you guys hear me? The pain is over. The pills kicked in, the pain is over. What did you think I meant?”

“Nothing,” says Belle, “Here is your shake.”

“You’re amazing,” says Phillip, “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a hot bath? How does that sound?”

Belle asks, “You wouldn't mind?”

“No,” says Phillip, “Shawn’s here.” Up she goes.

“You know,” says Phillip, “I’m glad you stayed. I’m gonna surprise Belle and I need you to help.”

Sami says, “Now everybody hates you, Kate, and it’s all you fault.”

Kate says, “Eugenia, you betrayed me in the worst possible way. You can kiss that new job goodbye. You have NOTHING.”

Sami makes a suggestion, “You should get out of town Kate.”

“I hate you, Sami. I will get back at you and you too, Kate.” says Eugenia.

“Kate is good at breaking promises,” says Sami, “It’s what she does best.”

“I will make you suffer,” says Eugenia running out.

Sami tells Kate, “If life is a game, you have lost.”

“Don’t be so sure,” says Kate, “Lucas is my son. He knows I did it out of love.”

Lucas jumps in, “I said I would cut you out of my life forever. You lied to me.”

Kate begs, “Lucas please don’t shut me out.”

“I’m gonna shut you out of my life for good. You don't believe me? Watch me,” Lucas storms out.

“Dad,” says Sami, “Now it’s your turn. My advice is to dump the bitch.” She tosses the tape at him.

The coast guard will give it its best shot.

Bo yells, “HOPE!!”

Bart says, “As they say in Boston, Boss, you’re wicked good.”

Tony tells him, “I am both wicked and good. Pull up a chair. Enjoy the show.”

Bo grabs his PDA as it buzzes. The message reads, “Bo I need you - love Hope.”

Bo says, “I knew you were alive. I knew it. I will find you, but how?”

Tony chuckles, “Nothing like a good suspense yarn, Bart. Hitchcock couldn’t have done it better.”

“There won’t be any birds, will there,” asks Bart.

Belle says to herself, “Phillip and I are going to have a baby. Does this mean we will stay together forever?”

Shawn asks Phillip, “What kind of a surprise?”

Phillip says, “It’s been a long time since Belle and I have been able to BE TOGETHER. I want you to help me into bed.”

“Well,” Kate asks Roman, “Aren’t you going to say something?”

“You don’t want to hear what I have to say, Kate.”

Kate asks, “We love each other, right?”

Roman says, “Do we? I thought you were so upset about me and Doc. You destroyed a relationship with the son you loved.”

“We both know what Sami is,” says Kate, “We know what she did to other men. I wasn’t going to let that happen to my boy.”

Roman says, “Lucas is not a boy. It's his life, not yours.”

“I understand you’re upset with me,” says Kate, “You want to protect Sami. I felt the same way about Lucas.”

“You didn't keep your promise,” says Roman, “Couldn’t you at least have stayed away from Sami? You renewed our wedding vows knowing I would hate what you had done.”

“Why don’t you honor those wedding vows and hear me out then decide who you will side with,” says Kate.

Sami and Lucas are in the hall on the way to her apartment. “Now we can talk everything out,” says Sami.

She walks into her apartment. Lucas doesn’t follow, “I know there is so much to say... Lucas? Where did you go??” Empty hallway. Sami cries, “Lucas, I’m innocent. I showed you the proof. Don’t you want to be with me? Lucas?” FF.


Tec comforts Lexie. They romp on the gurney.

Shawn and Belle make out as Phillip yells, “Belle, honey, where are you?”

Lucas asks Sami, “Do you still have that engagement ring I gave you?” Sami says, “Yeah.” Lucas says, “I’m gonna have to ask you to give that back to me.”

Marlena looks through the haze past John and says to Dr. North, “I remember you.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Bellip: Go find a new place to live that's (1) all on one level and (2) away from Shawn!

Loved the pictures and the ever so amusing observations - both of Kate's faces, the storyline as stale as the War of 1812, the sailing skills of Dope!

6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This losing Hope is getting a little old isn't it?? i love your posts they are great I am usually laughing so hard on some of these people think I've lost it!!! keep up the great work!!!!

9:58 AM  

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