Tuesday, July 05, 2005

No Goodie-Two-Shoes

Jennifer and Frankie admire Max’ car. Jennifer tells Frankie there is plenty of room at the Devereaux' now that Patrick Lockhart is gone.

“I know that name,” says Frankie, “I just can’t quite place it.”

“There’s an easy way to find out if you know him,” says Jennifer, “Just ask him.”

“Jack doesn’t like him,” observes Frankie.

“Oh,” says Jennifer, “He just doesn’t know him. Patrick is a good guy. Someday I will tell you all about the DiMera island. When we were there, I was pregnant and Patrick delivered our son in the jungle. Enough about Patrick. What I was going to say was you are welcome to stay here as long as you like”

“I promise,” says Frankie, “we won’t wear out our welcome.

Jack comes up yelling, “Hello, hello, hello!” He tells them he’s been out shopping and asks if Frankie and Max are all set up in the garage apartment, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to take my lovely wife out for a big surprise.”

“Ooooo,” says Jennifer, “Where are we going?”

“Not telling.” Off they go. Frankie stares.

Abby and Chelsea walk up to Max as he is working on his car. Max tells Chelsea he is giving the car a tune up. “I could use a little tune up, myself,” says Chelsea.

Frankie drags Max into the garage, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Max gives him a look.

Meanwhile, Rex and Patrick come into Alice’s. Rex tells Bonnie he came because he has an idea of how to free Mimi. They want to check the surveillance cameras from the night Mimi and Jan fought outside the bar.

“Well,” says Bonnie, “I have some good news, and I have some bad news. Which do you want first?” In other words, she has some bad news and some bad news.

“I’ve got to use Eugenia to help prove Kate set me up,” says Sami, “Then Lucas will want us to get together and we can be a family again. Then I can concentrate on getting my parents together, and Kate can go to hell with John – they deserve each other.”

Nicole is at the door. She’s a basket case, “Brady is with Chloe. My life is over.”

Brady guides the blindfolded Chloe inside. She speculates where they are as he lights candles all over the room. He removes her blindfold.

Chloe soaks it in, “OMG, where are we?”

“Chloe,” he says, “This is the perfect place for a romantic reunion.”

Nicole spills her guts to Sami. Brady blamed it all on her, “You have to help me get him back.”

“Are you kidding me,” asks Sami, “He’s with Chloe now. He’s never going to let her go.”

Nicole is desperate, “We have to find some way, we can put her picture in the tabloids, we can put nude pictures of her on the Internet, oh, wait, I guess that’s been done. Sami, you have to help me.”

Sami tells Nicole to get a grip, “It’s over, Nicole, you’ve lost.”

Brady says, “We are in a cottage about eight miles outside of Salem, near Paris. This cottage belonged to my mom, Isabella. After she died, my dad didn’t come here much. But he didn’t have the heart to sell it, so when I got older and he married Marlena, he gave the cottage to me. My dad told me my mom would come up here and paint. All these paintings are hers. My dad also told me after my mom found out she was dying, she would come up here because she thought this place was magical and she would feel better.”

Chloe says, “That’s why you brought me up here. So I could feel better and forget how scarred I am. Brady, this is so wonderful and loving, but it’s not going to change the truth.”

“Chloe,” says Brady, “I don’t see what you mean. You’re beautiful. Totally insane, but beautiful.”

Bonnie tells the boys the police impounded the surveillance videos but never watched them, “Since Mimi confessed, it wouldn’t have done any good. I hate to tell you, but we’re not through with the bad news.”

Jack and Jennifer lay on the hood of the car to watch the Salem air show. Flashback to the young couple parked at the end of the runway.

A plane goes right over them. Jennifer says, “Wow, that really gets your heart pounding.”

“What gets my heart pounding,” says Jack, “ is being next to you.”

“You are so romantic, Jack. What has gotten into you?

Jack flashes back to getting the bad news, “After everything we’ve been through, I just want to cherish every moment I have with you.”

“I think I know what it is,” says Jennifer, “Are you jealous of Frankie?”

“No,” says Jack, “I’m glad you knew Frankie when you were younger. I just wish I could freeze this moment.
That would be the ultimate way to drag things out on this show.

“Well, you don’t have to do that Jack, because we will have hundreds of moments like this to share for the rest of the Days Of Our Lives.” Jack stares.

Abby thinks Chelsea is acting like a slut, “First you were after Patrick and now you’re throwing yourself at Max.”

“The way to make Patrick jealous,” says Chelsea, “is to show him he’s got competition.”

“You’re making a big mistake. You’ve already gone too far with Max. He’s too experienced, and not in a good way. Look how easy it was for him to get you to go parking with him. I still can’t believe you did that.”

“I keep telling you, it was nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing,” says Abby, “Think about it, Chelse, what would your mother say?” Chelsea stares.

Frankie lectures Max. He promised Jack and Jennifer he would watch the girls while they were gone and Max is putting the moves on one of them, “You leave broken hearts wherever you go. I don’t want that to happen here.”

“At least I know how to have a good time,” says Max, “You’ve been walking around with a broken heart for years.”

“What’re you talkin’ about,” asks Frankie. Max swipes Frankie’s wallet and pulls out a picture of Jennifer.

Bonnie tells the boys there were no cameras pointed toward the area where Mimi and Jan fought. Rex isn’t giving up. He runs outside and conveniently finds a camera, which is pointed the wrong way. “Where is that tape,” asks Rex.”

Bonnie says, “The tapes... uh...”

Sami tells Nicole she can’t help her. She is not going to be vicious and mean any more.

“You are no goodie-two-shoes,” says Nicole, “You were Stan, remember? You almost had those guys killed. You wouldn’t want Lucas or Will or your parents to find out you were the infamous Stan, would you? There is a bounty out on you, Sami!”

“There is no evidence Stan ever existed, because he didn’t,” says Sami.

“Oh,” says Nicole, “so Rex, Shawn, Phillip, Brady and Lucas never saw Stan?”

“Well,” says Sami, “They never associated him with me.”

“But Tony DiMera did, didn’t he? I’m sure he has evidence. And if your father finds out, he will have no choice. He will put you in jail and throw away the key. So don’t make me remind you we have a deal and you are going to help me get Brady back.” says Nicole.

Chloe keeps insisting she’s a scarred mess and Brady keeps insisting she’s perfect. Chloe tells him she didn’t even know this place existed. “I was saving it – for our honeymoon,” says Brady.

Chloe remembers the beautiful moment when Brady married her ashes. His love for her will never die, “I want this night to be special for the two of us.”

Jack wants to share moments like this with Jennifer for the rest of his life. Then, he quotes E.B. Browning, “I shall but love thee better after death.” Jennifer tells him he is her favorite poet. She has saved all the cards and letters he has ever written her. When she thought she had lost him, she was so thankful she had his words. She will always be thankful for those.

Jennifer feels like Frankie and Max are back in their lives for some reason, “I don’t know what it is, and I sense some friction between them. Maybe I’m supposed to help them smooth things out. But I’m glad they’re staying with us. They’re practically family.”

“You know what you are? You’re a mother hen,” says Jack.

“I just love having my family around me. It’s like Alice says, the cycle of life just goes on.”

“Yeah,” says Jack, “That old cycle of life. It’ll even go on without me.” Oops.

Jennifer asks, “Jack, what are you saying?”

“You are pathetic,” says Max, “You have Jennifer’s high school picture in your wallet – to Frankie, I will always love you, Jennifer. Even if Jack wasn’t around you’d still have no chance with Patrick Lockhart around.”

“One thing my parents taught me,” says Chelsea, “was to enjoy life, because you never know how long you’re going to be here. So, if a good time with a hot guy like Max Brady comes my way, I’m going for it.”

Max comes out of the garage and explains to the girls why it is impossible for a guy to work on a car while wearing a shirt at the same time.

Off to the side, Abby asks Chelsea what she is going to do. “You’ll see,” says Miss Teen Slut, USA.

Rex, Patrick and Bonnie ransack her office looking for the tapes. Rex comes up with something. Oops, it’s Bonnie’s porn. Next tape. It has scenes of the area where Jan hit her head. Fast forward...

Brady escorts Chloe into the bedroom. He opens the closet and shows her all the new clothes he bought he for their honeymoon. Chloe is amazed.

Nicole warns Sami, “If it comes out you were Stan, you could wind up seriously dead.”

Sami is about to break her vow about not being mean and vicious any more. She reminds Nicole it wouldn’t be very good for her if people found out she was responsible for Chloe’s skin infection.

“We have to work together,” says Nicole.

“I’m sorry,” says Sami, “I’m not going to do anything to risk getting Lucas back. Besides, Brady is never going to let Chloe go. He’s never going to forgive you.”

Nicole rummages around until she finds some booze. As she starts hammering it down, Sami says, “I have something else to tell you and I don’t think it’s good news.” Nicole pours another.

“My dad is determined to find Victor and my grandmother. And didn’t you say that Victor knows you tried to kill him? And if Victor comes back, he will find out everything you’ve been up to. Believe me, Victor Kiriakis is not a man you want pissed off at you. What I think you should do is pack your bags and get out of Salem. Everyone in this town hates your guts, and between Victor and Brady, you’re dead meat.” Nicole huffs.

Jack won’t answer Jennifer. Jen says she was reading an article that said people their age could live to be 100 years old if there is nothing wrong with them, “...and I know there is nothing wrong with us. Jack, what is it? What’s wrong? Tell me the truth, there’s something wrong with you, isn’t there?”

Chelsea fires a couple water balloons at Max. This leads to a slap-and-tickle water fight.

Frankie is on the phone, “I need you to find out what you can on a guy named Patrick Lockhart...”

Bonnie, Patrick and Rex have apparently been going through the tapes for a while. Lo and behold, they find the scene where Jan stumbles and falls. Bonnie is ecstatic.

Frankie gets off the phone, “I don’t know who you are, Lockhart, but I’m not gonna let you hurt Jen or her family. Same goes for you, Max.”

Max dries off as Chelsea suggests, “We could go for a ride, back to the lake, have some fun.” Sounds good to Max. They drive off.

Abby is exasperated. Frankie comes out of the garage and says, “You are in nothin’ but trouble, Max.”

Jack insists it’s nothing. Jennifer buys it. Jack stares.

Nicole says she is not leaving town, “With any luck they will never find Victor and Caroline. You have to help me get Brady back.”

“If Lucas ever finds out I helped you, he will go ballistic. We have to be careful,” says Sami.

Nicole says, “We have to make sure Brady stays away from Chloe. I have an idea, maybe we could get good ole Stan to deep six her.”

Chloe has selected a nightgown for Brady’s evening pleasure. Brady has deselected a shirt. She will always be perfect in his eyes. Hug. Freeze. Wretch.


Lucas looks in the closet, sees a lump under a coat, and asks, “What the hell is this?” A plastered Nicole looks up at him.

Shawn tells Belle, “I want you to know this isn’t over. I’m not giving up on us.”

Rex tells Mimi, “We came to tell you that you are free.” Mimi says, “Huh?”

Roman says, “OMG, Doc, are you pregnant?”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so why doesn't someone tell Max that Chelsea is 16 and not 18? Oh yeah, this is Salem - TLT*

And the pictures continue to evolve. Now there is a 4-plex, moving picture! Way to go Prevuze.

*The Logic Thing

6:23 AM  

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